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The Ephemera
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How Rodchenko of you! Lovely.
Shadow Angles
New York: Brooklyn Bridge Inspiration: And now we are on the Brooklyn Bridge where awesome shadows abound.
I'm jealous. People just don't dress like this in LA. And celebs don't count. Those gloves!
The Lady In Red
New York: W. 26th Street between 10th and 11th Avenues Inspiration: I thought she was absolutely gorgeous and so photogenic. Add to that her vampy red and black silky tie dress brought down to earth by the trench only to be vamped up again by red lipstick, the gloves and Hermes cuff . . . and ...
One year of shooting everyday?! Wow, I must admit I'm envious of your discipline. Keep it up, it's inspiring!
Happy Birthday To You!
New York: East Hampton, LI Inspiration: The Photodiarist, my blog, turns one year old today. I cannot believe that 365 days of almost daily photographs has gone by so quickly. By the way, this is the cake that BFF and I shared in celebration of her birthday last night (even though her birthd...
Ahh... This reminds me I need to go out and buy myself some tulips before they are out of season.
New York: Gramercy Park Inspiration: I am a lover of tulips, originally known as Laleh in Turkey. They signify springtime and happiness to me. I thought tulips originated in Holland. Not so. They are native to Turkey and Central Asia. In fact, the Dutch saw them first in, and imported...
Enjoying the mystery, still have no idea what you look like...
My Camera and Me
New York: My apartment Inspiration: Hmm. I think it's called boredom.
Wow, something else. Japan is on a different planet.
The View from My Window
Tokyo: 400 year-old garden on the grounds of the New Otani Hotel in Akasaka Inspiration: This old, incredible garden is a part of the grounds of my hotel in Tokyo as well as the view I had from my room. When I return to Tokyo, I plan to stay in a smaller, more intimate hotel than the New Otan...
I'm loving all of your fashion/portraiture shots. Your eye for style is uncanny as is your tendency to capture the decisive moment.
My First Time: Narciso Rodriguez (pt 2)
New York: Bryant Park Inspiration: Only two decent photos from my first fashion show! Here's the other. . .
This woman reminds me of the sci-fi character Monica in the cartoon Aeon Flux. Very Schiele as well...
Portraits: Badass Beauty
New York: 6th Avenue and 41st Street (NYFW A/W 2010) Inspiration: I don't know her name. But she is pure badass - a beautiful one. There's something very "super-heroine" about her . . . kind of like Trinity in The Matrix. P.S. Now I know her name! She is Nicole Murphy, Eddie Murphy's ex.
I love your still life shots. More please.
Bergdorf Windows: Slammin'
New York: 57th and 5th Avenue Inspiration: As you all probably know by now, I love checking out Bergdorf's windows. They never fail to delight me. This mannequin is simply "slammin'" in her sequined dress. I have to admit that I didn't watch the Jets game as I mentioned I might in the post be...
Unreal, only a in a great city do these moments exist.
It's All About the Tan, Man
New York: Washington Square Park Inspiration: So we enjoyed some pleasant weather last weekend. And boy did people take advantage. It wasn't so warm but some people were out in t-shirts. And others pulled out the foil to get that elusive mid-winter tan. His head was glowing like a lightbulb, t...
Love this series; men wearing such hats should only be encouraged.
Men With Hats
New York: Union Square (1st and 2nd); South Street Seaport (3rd) Inspiration: I love hats. I love men in hats. There's something traditional yet modern about a great hat.
Pretty amazing, there's even a squirrel hanging out with this guy. Especially love the first one, it's like a bizzarro Hitchcock moment.
Bird Stories: The Pigeon Whisperer
New York: Washington Square Park Inspiration: When I saw this man yesterday morning, covered from head to toe in a blanket of pigeons, I was stunned. I find pigeons to be quite disgusting. That anyone would seek a relationship with them in this fashion fascinated me. Pigeons sat on...
I'm loving your seasons, especially the spring shots. They make me wish my computer screen was 30"x40"
Seasons 2009: Spring
New York: Central Park (1st and 4th); Gramercy Park (2nd and 3rd) Inspiration: As 2009 passes into the annals of time, I thought I would post some of my favorite shots of each season of this year, starting with Spring, my second favorite (after Summer). Looking at these photos makes me...
I really love your tonal scale; the blackest blacks, the whitest whites and just the right amount of mid tones. More than that I think what I like most in your work is your use of negative space; the above captioned photograph being a great example.
My "Tunnel Vision" Pt. 1
New York: Central Park Inspiration: For some reason, I like to photograph tunnels (especially this one in Central Park). Maybe it's because they often present such a dramatic contrast between light and darkness.
I often wish it did snow here in Los Angeles; not as much as New York though.
New York: Central Park Inspiration: It snowed last night. Weathermen predicted this blizzard would rank among New York's ten worst snowstorms. Which goes to show that you can't always listen to those who claim to know the weather. Snow piled up in the city but no where as much as ...
The Ephemera is now following Dhananjay Parkhe
Dec 21, 2009
The Ephemera is now following The Photodiarist
Dec 21, 2009
What amazing light, I love the vertical orientation; it makes the city feel as if it reveals itself only in slivers.
A Quick Photo-Trip: Stockholm
Stockholm, Sweden Inspiration: As I was doing a "cleanse" of my hard-drive, deleting photographs that I no longer want, I bumped into these photographs. I took them on my trip to Stockholm in July of this year. My second time in one of the most beautiful ci...
These are blowing my mind! Thanks for sharing.
Through the Looking Glass
New York: 57th Street and 5th Avenue (Bergdorf Goodman) Inspiration: I was heading to Central Park on this cold sunny day when I got sidetracked: (a) holiday sales; (b) Bergdorf's fantastic shoe department; and (c) its beautiful windows. In my humble opinion, Bergdorf Goodman displays the...
Beautiful, love the shallow depth of field. Have you ever seen Ralph Gibson's book Ex Libris? I think you'd enjoy it. And thanks for the comments!
Book Love
New York: 5th Avenue along Central Park Inspiration: I've been in love with the written word for as long as I can remember. Since childhood, I've carried at least one book with me at all times (another reason why I am still a fan of the massive shoulder bag - all the more space to carry books,...
Great shot, reminds me of Atget's Paris...
Window Shopping . . . Again
New York: Bergdorf's Inspiration: When work gets super crazy, and I simply must take a mental health break, I scoot out of my office to take a walk. Periodically, I end up here. Window shopping at Bergdorfs. It's relaxing to look at beautiful window displays. I think that some of them qualify ...
The Ephemera is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 18, 2009
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