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Julie Bateman
Recent Activity
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Mar 15, 2010
Kelly, It will be posted when Julie gets back. Lexi
Wish you were here!
Mean it! I have been having a blast in SoCal. The weather has been "mostly" nice. A bit chilly for me but still warmer than Florida right now. We have seen and done so much, but the "work" starts today. I can't wait to see the new Creative Imaginations products. They licensed Star Wars and for a...
Perhaps I meant neuter? Perhaps I meant nurture? Perhaps I am a bad speller. Last one seems the most likely. I won't change it, just to drive you crazy Fran! LOL
I love the beginning of the year. A fresh start, a new beginning. I am sure we all could use a fresh start after last year. This is always the time I read Ali's blog to see what word she picked for the new year. This year her word was nuture. A good pick for her. Not for me, not really the nutur...
LOVE IT! Gonna work on that tongue twister.Thanks Anna. Changed it to F from PH. But might I ask why an F if your country is a PH? Curious minds want to know.
Got the sombrero and moron! LOL.
Store reset, almost done- OK maybe not!
We are so excited to be moving around the store. It's going to look so fresh and new. We have "traded places" with room "a" and room "b". No easy task but we hope you will enjoy oohing and ahhing over how we have reset everything. We got a great start yesterday and should be completely done by ...
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