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Louisville, Kentucky
Interests: Online Junkie and confirmed Facebook Stalker!
Recent Activity
via Becks' celebrated L.A. Galaxy's win against DC United yesterday by pulling his Jersey off and giving the night air a taste of his nipples (tastes like NADS, light agave nectar and MAC Lip Glass). Most footballers might celebrate a victory by howling and/or screeching, but Becks should never... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 19, 2010 at The Tea
via When George Michael was sentenced to 8 weeks in the chokey for driving while stoned, I made a dumb joke about how it's going to be a non-stop party in there. Well, it is a non-stop party at Pentonville, but not for George. The Mirror says that George's... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 16, 2010 at The Tea
via Getting slapped in the mouth with Ray J's crooked cock while the camera rolls might start looking real attractive to some of you after reading this mess of a story from TMZ. Golden showers brings $30,000 purses! High school counselors need to immediately update their "What do you... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 16, 2010 at The Tea
Mark Wahlberg crosses the 'boxer' role on his serious actor checklist. Not sure why Christian Bale had to lose so much weight for this film, but he sure did. Watch, AFTER THE JUMP... via Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 16, 2010 at The Tea
Reblogged Sep 16, 2010 at The Tea
via Go ahead and bask in the glamor of Real HouseHeifer of NJ Theresa Giudice and her future husband Joe from back in the day (above). And don't even try to act like you didn't wear these exact same outfits (which you purchased at Merry-Go-Round with your allowance money)... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 16, 2010 at The Tea
via Tennessee Lesbian Couple's House Torched. Was It The Neighbors Who Said They'd Do It? via Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 13, 2010 at The Tea
via Or at the very least, they don't talk about why he's a 57-year-old man who has yet to find that special lady. via Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 13, 2010 at The Tea
via Yesterday Google unveiled Google Instant, a new feature that quickly suggests links as you enter your search query. For example, type in "bi" and it will suggest pages on bipolar disorder. Type in "bisexual" though and you'll get a blank page. Google Instant Product manager Jonathan Effrat says,... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 13, 2010 at The Tea
via With Florida Gov. Charlie Crist ready to embrace the gays as he tries suckering his way into a U.S. Senate seat against Republican candidate Marco Rubio, his past was surely going to come back to haunt him. And no, I don't mean his sexual relationships with other men.... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 13, 2010 at The Tea
via Cover your ears, because boy do we have a spoiler for you! Tom Emmer, the Republican who wants to be Minnesota's next governor, and who Target is throwing its weight behind, doesn't just want to keep marriage out of the hands of gays. Emmer also wants to keep... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 13, 2010 at The Tea
Reblogged Sep 13, 2010 at The Tea
via Today was the first episode of Oprah's final season on ABC, so the audience probably figured that she would leave something free under their seats. Oprah Claus never disappoints. Oprah Claus also made those bitches scream, cry and wiggle for it ("Now you know how I feel!" -... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 13, 2010 at The Tea
via Picture this in slow motion with Delibes' Flower Duet serving as this scene's soundtrack. It's the only way. Page Six says that Vogue's own dreckitude assassin Andre Leon Talley was preciously perched at the end of a bench in the front row of Costello Tagliapietra's fashion show on... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 13, 2010 at The Tea
via When I first clicked on this picture, I felt like I was coming home with my arms filled with groceries to find my piece giggling on the sofa with the shifty skank slut whore tramp from next door. Bags dropped, naranjas rolled across the floor and the tea... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 13, 2010 at The Tea
via The dildo in the back of your office desk drawer (I know how you do) is more organic than Cher's face and she needs the help of a puppeteer to move her mouth, but at 64 she still makes young whores run back to their high chairs to... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 13, 2010 at The Tea
via Roberto Barajas Maya (awesome name, BTW) has done fashion modeling all over the world: Spain, Mexico, Italy, France, Brazil, Argentina and the United States. After looking at his incredible pictures I just wonder how many sit-ups it would take for me to get abs like that? Wait, don't... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 12, 2010 at The Tea
Reblogged Sep 12, 2010 at The Tea
via James Franco, (arguably) the hottest, sexiest, most adventurous actor of all time, gives a good interview to The Advocate circular, in which he discusses not being gay by saying he'd admit it if he were: via Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 12, 2010 at The Tea
via Here's Zac Efron giving me a cross between "fantastical magic unicorn wearing a moustache mask" and "purdiful drag king doing a young Tom Selleck impersonation" at the Deauville American Film Festival in France yesterday. via Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 12, 2010 at The Tea
via Three years ago, Aretha Franklin said that if Hollywood ever made a feature film version of her life she would want Halle Berry to play her. This comment launched a tidal wave of HAHAHAHAHAs at Aretha, which she immediately destroyed with just one quick swipe from her areola.... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 12, 2010 at The Tea
via And just like that, Ciara has earned a prime spot in the Empress of Lucite's inner circle. Here's Ciara on the set of her new video showing us that even the most tomboy-ish of day shift strippers can reach the highest levels of elegance by super-gluing a raggedy... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 12, 2010 at The Tea