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My guess is, while 61% favor hearings for Garland 0% will use it as a basis for choosing their Senator. 55% of the US favor no or extremely limited Abortion, yet Democrats still get elected. You can point out any stupid fact to try to tie it to an election, but what the majority of people vote on is Party first, Economy - Jobs, Terrorism, and Immigration. Supreme Court hearings wouldn't even move the needle. But great job trying to bring a non-issue into the lime-light.
McCain In Deep Trouble in GOP Primary; Trump, Clinton Close in AZ
PPP's new Arizona poll finds that John McCain has a negative approval rating with Republican primary voters, and is at pretty serious risk of losing nomination for another term. Only 35% of GOP voters approve of the job McCain is doing to 50% who disapprove. He's in particularly poor standing wi...
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May 18, 2016
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