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I think this must have been a coding error when the chart got posted. It's corrected now & you can see how some of the lines have now been resolved into a pretty-easily understood line chart.
It's impossible to understand Super Tuesday, this chart says
Twitter people are talking about this chart, from NPR (link): This was published on Wednesday after Super Tuesday, the day on which multiple states held their primary elections. On the Democratic side, something like a third of the delegates were up for grabs (although as the data below this c...
It's not in the original data set, but indexing the governor's salary to the state mean could produce interesting results.
Governor of Maine wants a raise
In a Trifecta checkup, this map scores low on the Q corner: what is its purpose? What have readers learned about the salaries of state governors after looking at the map? (Link to original) The most obvious "insights" include: There are more Republican governors than Democratic governors Most...
TheTinDoor is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 9, 2018
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