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Things I learnt the hard way
I have two children, one husband, a small flat, a love of baking (looks rubbish, tastes great) and very little time.
Interests: Making tasty things to eat, wasting time on the internet, taking pictures. Crochet. Tidying. Getting over organised.
Recent Activity
Yup I did get Picnik pro as I simply can't figure out Photoshop and I do use Picnik a lot. I think it is really good value, nice and easy to pretty up your pictures.
Ha, yes I know you know what I mean! I definitely had a rosey view about how parenting would be which only comes true every so often. I think the problem is that we try to BE the best rather than "just" DOING our best. I am taking it on board but I think eliminating the guilt altogether is impossible. Having guilt actually, probably, makes us better mothers, no?! As it's a driving force for doing better, shouting less etc. Ha ha, there I go making anyone who wasn't feeling guilty before, feel guilty now, oops!
ARGH I'm in my pjs! Lovely post though, nice to document our weekend away. Love that photo of you 3! Was fab, let's do it again soon. Well, maybe in 18 months or so! ;o) x
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2010 on Salcombe...twice! at The cuckoo is a pretty bird
Well yes and there are several distinct lighter patches on my carpet.
Toggle Commented Dec 7, 2010 on Helping Hands at Things I learnt the hard way
I did a good hearty laugh at the knicker photo! I still have those pics of you driving out of Cribbs with knicks on your head. You were rapping at the time. I hope this gives your readers a more rounded view of you!;o) The little ice cream cakes are fab! I never get organised enough to let everything get to room temperature first. Maybe that is where I have been going wrong all these years. xx
Toggle Commented Nov 20, 2010 on "Friday night ... at The cuckoo is a pretty bird
Wow, the blanket looks fantastic! Well done you! Now that I am no longer doing that craft fair I can concentrate on making things for me and mine and I think a granny blanket has to be amongst them :) And the little blanket is fab too. Who was that for, do I know them? On another note, look how LOOOOOONG Big boy's legs are!!! And the photos are fab, what are you apologising for?
Toggle Commented Nov 11, 2010 on Cosy cosy at The cuckoo is a pretty bird
I was wondering how you'd announce on here with more scope and space than fb! Lovely lovely lovely! Sorry to nag, you clearly have much to do! How funny about burning the barn down :D xxx
Toggle Commented Oct 24, 2010 on I'm back....sort of. at The cuckoo is a pretty bird
Things I learnt the hard way is now following
Oct 6, 2010
Things I learnt the hard way is now following Lucy @ Attic24
Sep 14, 2010
Ah it's obviously the craft du jour and I'm just the latest on the bandwagon! If we could get together I could save you the course fee... have you tried the videos on youtube? I've mastered all the trickier points with that! Anyway, be interested to know how the course is, I have to admit I am surprised you can't crochet already, given how crafty and creative you are!
Toggle Commented Sep 14, 2010 on More about crochet at Things I learnt the hard way
Things I learnt the hard way is now following Kloob
Sep 1, 2010
Things I learnt the hard way is now following Clarehargreaves
Sep 1, 2010
Things I learnt the hard way is now following daisy barringer
Jul 26, 2010
Things I learnt the hard way is now following SouleMama
Jul 26, 2010
Things I learnt the hard way is now following Ali Edwards
Jul 26, 2010
Things I learnt the hard way is now following Gayna Ballard
Jul 26, 2010
Things I learnt the hard way is now following Sarah Homes
Jul 26, 2010
Things I learnt the hard way is now following Lola Smith
Jul 26, 2010
Things I learnt the hard way is now following Erika
Jul 26, 2010
Liz - brave or stupid?! Riaboo thank you! How lovely to have new commenters! Makes me very happy.
Toggle Commented Jul 24, 2010 on Painted Faces at Things I learnt the hard way
Things I learnt the hard way is now following Liz Olivieri
Jul 24, 2010
Sarah thanks! Yes more memories like this please! The idea is that the girls can read this when they're older so all contributions about family in particular very very welcome :D (And nice you're reading this, thanks!)
Toggle Commented Jul 23, 2010 on Lost and Found at Things I learnt the hard way
Things I learnt the hard way is now following Times Online
Jun 24, 2010
Chuffing heck, you clever girl. It doesn't mean much to me as I'm not sitting down with fabric and scissors in front of me, but it does sound straightforward. You look fab in yours too! Well done :D
Toggle Commented Jun 24, 2010 on Sarong Trousers at The cuckoo is a pretty bird
Okay I logged in as you and tried to fix it but have to admit to being stumped. Other than making your pics smaller I just don't know what to suggest. Apparently you need a Pro Unlimited or Business class account to make the columns a width that you set, with the Pro account you get to pick 200,300 or 500 pixels or fluid width, but I think that will just make it go huge and send the text all over the place. Sorry I can't help :( I feel such a failure! x