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joe bruzzese
Santa Barbara, CA
Parent education speaker and author of "A Parents' Guide to the Middle School Years"
Recent Activity
Agreed Lori! Keeping the focus on your child, considering his needs and what you know to be true about what helps him thrive will keep you both moving forward. All to often I think parents are either made to believe that the business of parenting should be left to schools or that simply hoping their child's emotional state will cause change. Taking action, like you have, causes change. Thanks for stepping up to the plate.
Mother asks for help with special needs daughter who is being bullied
The following message came from a parent via my "Middle School Bullying" page on My response follows the parent's message. My Daughter (who has Special Needs) has been getting bullied since Kindergarten and started really pick up in fourth grade. My daughter attends school in a sma...
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Mar 15, 2010
Love those reindeer antlers. Hey how was Disneyland. We didn't make the annual trip. Maybe this month. Love the idea behind parent hacks. Look for mine shortly. I'm in the middle school niche, connecting mainly with parents either headed into or entrenched in challenges of adolescence. Stop by when you have 2 minutes for a boost of parenting wisdom
Happy New Year, Parenthackers!
Ah, back home after a sunny vacation in Southern California (and copious Twittering from Disneyland!). I'm now cuddled on the couch with husband, kids, and dog watching movies till the clock strikes twelve, but I wanted to pop on and wish all of you a wonderful holiday and New Year. I hope your ...
Here are a few words that resonated with me: attention and intention, past, present and future, and the unknown. Thank you for sharing some of what I know to be true of your brilliance and your approach to living in each day.
How do you look at planning?
by: Jason W. Womack, M.Ed., M.A. I am still wary when I tell people about my own goal-management methods, and how I have enough time and energy to get so much done. The benefits are so incredible, and yet people seem to "excuse" my results with explanations: "Oh, you don't have kids...ju...
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