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Somewhere in the Northeast.
I write. I write. And, oh, did I mention that I write?
Recent Activity
thinkingtoohard13 is now following paper
Apr 18, 2010
"as if preparing to speak some great and unknowable secret . . . "
Feels like you just did. I'm swooning.
The Alphabet of Regret: N is for Nearly
My weak heart leapt — a bird, winnowed by hunger, discovering the cage door suddenly open: confused, overwhelmed, excited beyond its capacity for joy. I felt it shudder within me, and then fly free. In those seconds, as they stretched long and my field of vision shimmered and bloomed rich with w...
thinkingtoohard13 is now following daisy barringer
Mar 29, 2010
thinkingtoohard13 is now following Nima Badiey
Mar 29, 2010
thinkingtoohard13 is now following Eric
Mar 29, 2010
thinkingtoohard13 is now following Denise Wakeman
Mar 29, 2010
thinkingtoohard13 is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 29, 2010
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