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Emily Thitphaneth
Recent Activity
such a great layout...and i love those veneer buttons. adorable! off to pick up some state fair :)
hoppity hop
countryside and state fair are now available at the (studio calico) store and we're celebrating with a blog hop!! [i promise his eyes are not closed. lol] if you happened upon my blog by coincidence... hi!! you can get started with the hop right here. if you've been hopping along then yo...
something interesting...hmm...i hate sour cream but i love sour cream and onion chips!
( love love love the die cut tags!)
Studio Calico Blog Hop
We are doing another blog hop at Studio Calico today to celebrate the fact that Countryside and State Fair are now in the shop!! I know that many of you have been waiting to get your hands on these products!! Well now you can stock up!! Yippeeee! All of us design team members have created a l...
How can I pick a favorite??? Well..I am in love with the ENTIRE State Fair there you go! What a sweet layout.
Studio Calico Blog Hop plus Giveaway!
Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by, I hope you've enjoyed everything so far! So it's no secret that I love patterned paper. And these Countryside papers and State Fair papers are seriously amazing. I also really, really love the State fair and Countryside die-cut tags. Like I love them so ...
what a sweet layout! i love it.
American Crafts Blog Hop!
Hi everybody! I hope you've enjoyed everyone's projects thus far, and I'm glad you stopped by! I am completely in love with all of the new American Crafts releases this year. They really knocked it out of the park this time. My absolute favorite part of the release? Hands down, the Peachy Ke...
Emily Thitphaneth is now following Dear Lizzy
Apr 6, 2010
Emily Thitphaneth is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 6, 2010
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