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tomd is now following AVATAR
Jan 23, 2010
I don't have a 3-D TV and I watch 3-D movies all the time its not like you need a special player or something just to watch it, the one thing I hate about 3-D movies is that they come with paper glasses so i just kept my one from when I watched it in theaters and it was the best movie I have ever seen!
AVATAR on DVD (and 3D DVD)
If you'd like your own personal copy of AVATAR, hang on until late spring/summer 2010, when James Cameron says a 2-D version of the movie should come out, complete with deleted scenes of Na'vi tribal life. But how about a 3-D version? First there have to be enough Blu-ray DVD players in circul...
avatar was a great movie, just it was awesome in...
avatar was a great movie, just it was awesome in 3-D i hope that they make a 3-D version for DVD. Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2010 at tom's blog
i loved the movie but i have no idea when it will be out on dvd. when it is supposed to be released in june or july.
AVATAR on DVD (and 3D DVD)
If you'd like your own personal copy of AVATAR, hang on until late spring/summer 2010, when James Cameron says a 2-D version of the movie should come out, complete with deleted scenes of Na'vi tribal life. But how about a 3-D version? First there have to be enough Blu-ray DVD players in circul...
tomd is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 23, 2010
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