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Thomas Miller
Recent Activity
Happy birthday, Brad!
1 reply
Great turnout for the 6am crew! Brave souls Nick, Xena, Peaches, and me for running outside in the snot-freezing weather.
Toggle Commented Jan 3, 2011 on Monday at CrossFit North Fulton
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Nice job on the MU, Baldwin!
Toggle Commented Dec 21, 2010 on Monday - Day 9 at CrossFit North Fulton
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She had even Doc speechless. I hope she wakes up early again tomorrow to get a drink of water... and ends up at the gym.
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Nice job, Ben! Cheers to the 6am crowd for warming up the gym for the rest of the crew. We added a few spare minutes to our times just so we didn't look too good.
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Enjoyed working out with the 6am crew this morning. ("Enjoy" means I was present.) Good company and fascinating conversation.
Toggle Commented Nov 22, 2010 on Monday at CrossFit North Fulton
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JT, Bostic, Andy: Good luck and do your best tomorrow to kick a@@. I'll be back in Illinois this weekend; otherwise I'd be cheering you guys on.
Toggle Commented Nov 19, 2010 on Friday! at CrossFit North Fulton
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Still in Springfield for another day so I'll miss the 5pm crew. I did the Monday HQ WOD at my hometown's new CrossFit affiliate, CrossFit Instinct. Thanks to Molly and Time for the coaching!
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Happy b-day, guys!
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Thanks for the coaching and patience today, Breeze! It felt good to be back. It would be even better if I didn't have to say that each week when I show up.
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Missing the 5pm group thanks to work... not happy about that. Catch up with everyone later in the week.
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Thanks for the bday wishes, CFNF team! It was great to join the lunch crowd for a workout and see Ben "That's crap" Sawkins in action again. Stringer, next time this one comes up, make it a real challenge for yourself and use 32" boxes.
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You 5pm people are just wicked, myself excluded. JT: kudos for the lifting, Fran, *and* the alt workout. You probably have a triathlon tonight to wrap up. Pebbles, Breeze: Thanks for the instructions and corrections.
Toggle Commented Sep 10, 2010 on Friday at CrossFit North Fulton
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Thomas Miller is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 10, 2010