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Cambridge, ON
Recent Activity
AAK! I wish I could come! I was just reorganizing my Lizzy stash last weekend (after picking up a few additions at the workroom) and lamenting the holes in my Outfoxed and Hello Pilgrim stacks... Should you have the energy for the post office I will happily take a few things off your hands. ;)
Toggle Commented May 30, 2013 on Quick Update About the SALE!!!! at LizzyHouse
Just gorgeous! Alas, I have no good suggestions for the quilting, but regardless this is going to be a beautiful quilt. And what is it with modern mattresses?! They are SO thick!
Toggle Commented Feb 26, 2013 on Butterfly Basting at Lynn Carson Harris
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This looks so good! I'm glad that Rossie made you do this. ;)
Toggle Commented Sep 19, 2012 on Rossie Made Me Do It at Lynn Carson Harris
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I think you sound great! And you've got some lovely things coming down the chute...I can't wait to take a peek at your new book!
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I would love to learn a few new tips and tricks. Thanks so much for the chance! (thought_&_found)
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Wow! I would LOVE to win these! The Print & Pattern books have been on my Amazon wish list for ages! (thought_&_found)
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OMG, Lizzy. This quilt seriously rocks. You are a quilt-designing (and fabric-designing) evil genius. (Evil because you make me want to spend money I don't have...)
Toggle Commented Mar 22, 2012 on Spring Seeds! at LizzyHouse
This is great news! I've been hesitant to print anything because I had heard negative reviews of the previous base cloth, but this changes everything! (thought_&_found)
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My favourite ornament is one from India that my parents were given by my mum's grad-school office mate when they were first married. He was from India, and it is a lovely black elephant covered in beads and ric-rack and metallic threads. It's hard to describe but it's beautiful!
Funny, I was just wondering what ever became of this quilt! I love it soooooo much and I can't wait to see it finished!
Toggle Commented Dec 11, 2011 on Star Crossed at Lynn Carson Harris
1 reply
When my younger brother was little he went through a stage where he loved "name" jokes: Q: What do you call a man standing in a hole? A: Phil. Q: What do you call a lady with one leg shorter than the other? A: Eileen. You can spend hours thinking of more! Oh, and I LOVE this quilt! The colours are fabulous!
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I'm exactly the same way. The quilt I'm currently working on will forever be my 'Buffy" quilt in my mind. (I never watched it while it was on the air and then discovered it on Netflix and got kinda embarrassing!)
Toggle Commented Dec 11, 2011 on increments of time. at LizzyHouse
Hmmm...favourite carol... Well, I've always been a fan of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and "The Huron Carol" to name a few. But I like so many of them. :) Thanks for such a great giveaway!
Toggle Commented Dec 6, 2011 on Day #9: The 12 Days of Christmas at Fresh Figs
1 reply
Oh, I'm so jealous that you got to go to the sale! I'd love to make it there some year. I'd love to see all those gorgeous quilts in the flesh! Thanks so much for sharing the loot with us!
Oh goodness...thank you so much for the warning. Those ice cream bars look dangerous. I haven't seen them, so perhaps they haven't found their way north of the border yet? That may be for the best... ;)
Toggle Commented Nov 19, 2011 on Two or three things at Simplify
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I'm making gift bags for my sister and my new SIL. We've been using cloth bags instead of paper for almost 20 years in my family, and I thought it was time that the younger generation had our own stash!
Toggle Commented Nov 19, 2011 on A Yuwa Giveaway at one shabby chick
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Yum! Those look fantastic! There was a rule in my house that my parents wouldn't pay for university until we could make a pie, so we all learned early on the importance of good pastry. ;)
Toggle Commented Nov 15, 2011 on flying geese at LizzyHouse
I really don't play favourites with colour, but I do think that there are times when there is only one colour that is "right" for a particular spot in a design project, and that's what I love about it! I love that moment when you finally hit upon the perfect colour for project after many auditions!
Oh, I have SUCH a busy fall ahead of me! Lots of Christmas gifts to sew, and thesis writing to do! I hope I get everything finished...
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Oh, I so desperately want this line in my stash...I hope I find some under the Christmas tree!
Toggle Commented Oct 19, 2011 on Peeps are getting Outfoxed. at LizzyHouse
These are wonderful! I'd love to make some of these as Christmas gifts this year!
Toggle Commented Oct 15, 2011 on hooked and bound at sewtakeahike
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I love, love, LOVE this quilt pattern. The two versions you showed us while you were in T.Dot were fabulous. And I am intrigued by the idea of fabric destashing...I'm still missing a few Lizzy Dish prints...
Toggle Commented Sep 29, 2011 on you might be feeling neglected. at LizzyHouse
I have wanted to attend Squam ever since I first heard about it, and your description of the experience has only intensified my desire. Next year, perhaps? :)
Toggle Commented Sep 26, 2011 on Full Circle- Squam Part I at love forever
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