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Way to go!!
Say Hello To Number 15
Last Friday I was strolling through town with two of my sisters and Terr-bear when my sister Robin stopped and picked up a brochure, it was for the Avon Breast Cancer Two Day Walk. It’s a two day walk in October to raise money and awareness for breast cancer. My curiosity was immediately piqued...
I've loved reading your entries, Mandy. Just over a year ago, I wrote my own sort of "List" and I guess a "Life List" too in a special journal that I planned to keep. Only lasted a short while, but you are inspiring me to re-visit it! Anything is possible, we just have to take those first steps.
Proud Peacock
Sorry for the late post today, the bear and I have been going non-stop. My oldest sister Shelia is a teacher and today we took Terr-bear in as "show and tell" to her first grade class. It was 18 or so girls and when we walked into the classroom it was like Hannah Montana had surprised them, t...
Tara is now following The Typepad Team
May 18, 2010
Tara is now following manda
May 18, 2010
Tara is now following manda
May 18, 2010
Tara is now following The Typepad Team
May 18, 2010
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