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I'm giving this recipe a try, right now. Two batches -- we are going to take them camping! The first batch came out and the 'sample' (the small, odd shaped, leftover biscuit) was super yummy!
Thank you for sharing this! I think, this is the closest I've gotten to my Grandmother's infamous super easy biscuits. Her birthday would be on Saturday - quite fitting!
Vegan Biscuits
Laura's dad loves biscuits. When Liz, Laura's mom, found out about it she set her sights on learning how to make fluffy and delicious biscuits for him. So Laura grew up eating biscuits. She loves them. As in, loves them so much she won't share. I learned all of this last winter and have be...
Thursday29 is now following haymarketsquare
Oct 6, 2011
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Oct 6, 2011
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