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Interests: music, food, life, craft, art, design, photography, love, family, home, sleep, the city, romeo and juliet.
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Tiana is now following A Beautiful Mess
Jan 17, 2010
Okay, okay, so I know I'm lazy.
Days Ten and Eleven. Too bad it doesn't bother me too much huh? Aha. Well my friends, here you go. Two days worth, hey hey, two is better than one after all. Peace Out. Tiana. Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2010 at Let it be
Oh the places you'll go.
Day Nine. Isn't is strange to think of all the places you've been? Think for a moment, how many countries, states, cities, towns, and homes that you have been to. Think again, how many steps have you taken. How many pairs of shoes have taken you there? I don't know, maybe I am going senile, but it is strange to me to think of all the places that I have been in the last eighteen years. It sure is a good thing that home hasn't moved, and that all of my journeys have led me home. Happy Saturday, Tiana. Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2010 at Let it be
Oh mom, don't you see? You have already passed the "WAY too much" marker on that one. :)
Day 7 - Never too much
You can never have too much scrapbook paper.
Oh Fridays, how I love thee.
Days seven and eight. Happy Friday my friends (if anyone even really reads this, which is doubtful). As you can see, I was quite the unmotivated person yesterday. Let me tell you, I came home from yet another day of High School, and let me tell you, I did nothing. By nothing I mean, I sat on the couch and watched T.V and surfed the web until oh, about nine-ish, then I went to bed (and slept like rock). It was quite nice to do nothing I must admit. Maybe I will do that more often... Haha (that was a... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2010 at Let it be
Does anyone know Greek?
Day Six. So, tomorrow I have an A.P Physics test (Ew). And guess what? I don't know how to do half (or more) of the material. Oh well. You see, I have simply accepted the fact that no one really knows how to do physics at all, they just say big words, and write down things that no one can understand and say, "This verifies such-and-such a law" and all that other gibberish. I blame Einstein and Newton for it all. Yep (can't you see that I am burning and full of outrageous fury?). Okay okay, so not really, in... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2010 at Let it be
The day is soon approaching.
Day Five. "One oh, you know", oh how I hope that is not our class motto. But who am I after all, I shall tell you that I am by no means a great enough influence to even have the slightest say in what our class motto will be. So by all means, let it be, "one oh, you know". Regardless of our class motto, or song, or flower, or any of that nonsense, graduation is coming soon. Already being almost half way through my Senior year of High School time is flying by, and I must say, the stress... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2010 at Let it be
Even technology can't deny that you and I belong together.
Day Four. It's true my friends, even science cannot comprehend the idea of two people belonging together. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard from a (science) teacher about how love is really just a chemical reaction and that all you have to do is set the derivative of the heart rate equal to the rate at which the brain triggers a neuron and analyze how the results match with the biological behavior of the individual and blah blah blah. Let's get real people, love isn't a matter of numbers, or man made junk, but a matter... Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2010 at Let it be
And He rested on the seventh day.
Day Three. Happy Sunday all you blog readers. What a Sunday it was too. With my oh-so-grand procrastination skills, I was forced to do an entire Advanced Placement Physics packet in one day. Fortunately I actually felt like I knew what I was doing, and it only took the majority of two hours (ha, do you sense my sarcasm?). On a more positive note, Donnie (who I love for doing so) came over to make sure that I didn't loose the last bit of my sanity. Oh the things that he does for me. I also spend some time exploring... Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2010 at Let it be
Sweet, sweet Saturday.
Day Two. Happy day two of 2010 and project 365. What a great day it is to grab a cup or tea, coffee, or hot cocoa (depending upon what it is that you prefer). It is a somewhat gloomy day, but who would complain about a day spent at home, doing nothing but enjoying the last little bits of what can be sucked out of Christmas vacation. Today shall be full of homework, no doubt (seeing as how I have mastered the art of procrastination), but I am hoping to spend some "me" time too, if you know what I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2010 at Let it be
So the project begins.
Day One. Last night we all welcomed in the new year with our closest family, and friends. We (probably) stayed up far too late and (probably) slept in far too long this morning. Nonetheless 2010 is here and it is time for everyone to make those New Years resolutions once more. Will they be kept? I am sure there will be some, as well as others that will surely be forgotten by the time tomorrow begins. Just recently my mother has become significantly more interested in photography (something that I love, and plan to pursue in my college education in... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2010 at Let it be
Oh, it is love.
"When he shall die, take him and cut him out into little stars and he shall make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night." -Romeo and Juliet I do believe that if anyone knew the depths of love, it was William Shakespeare. The humor, the tragedy, the passion, and the friendship; He nailed it all right on the head (figuratively, of course). Then again, I wonder, is love capable of being put into such a box? Or can it spread and change for each person who chooses to let it in... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2009 at Let it be
Tiana is now following A Beautiful Mess
Dec 23, 2009
Tiana is now following Deanna Jean
Dec 12, 2009
Tiana is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 12, 2009
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