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Richard Tibbetts
Recent Activity
StreamBase 6.6: CEP for Larger, More Effective Teams
On Wednesday StreamBase announced version 6.6 at TradeTech in London. The focus of this new release of StreamBase reflects the growth of CEP and the fact that firms are developing applications with larger teams and extending participation to business users... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2010 at The StreamBase Event Processing Blog
I think it is also worth mentioning here that open source is both familiar and new to financial customers. There is a lot of use of open source software in our core customer base, and StreamBase itself benefits from leveraging open source. And in our experience, contributing to projects pays off in both improved relationships with core developers and in better software.
Contributing back is something that individual developers are often excited about, but for which many organizations don’t yet have patterns and processes. One of the goals of the component exchange is to facilitate these contributions by StreamBase developers, to help them work through logistical and organizational concerns.
It’s a tall order, but like many controversial concepts StreamBase has advocated in the capital markets (visual programming, agile development, unit testing) I think the time is right. Use of and contribution to community provided components can be a helpful part of any development project.
CEP Innovation Goes Global: Announcing the StreamBase Component Exchange (SBX)
As the use of StreamBase continues to expand, our customers have asked us to help them access other StreamBase developers in order to facilitate innovation and tap the power of the growing StreamBase community. So today StreamBase announced the StreamBase Component Exchange (SBX) - the first co...
I apologize for any offense this post caused. I was using your tweet as a jumping off point for discussion. I think there is confusion in this area, even if you yourself are not confused. I don't mean to lump you in with any particular group, or to lecture you personally. As I mentioned at the end of the post, I think your book is very enlightened and relevant to the adoption of CEP technology.
I'd love to have a conversation with you about decision services and CEP, in public or private. I'll follow up with you offline.
CEP: Closing the Loop on Business Intelligence
There has been a lot of talk recently that compares complex event processing (CEP) and business intelligence (BI) technology, and what they compare to each other. Much of it suggests that CEP is a logical extension of BI into real-time, continuous analysis. For example, Seth Grimes (@sethgrime...
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