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Susan Tidwell
Recent Activity
A Front Porch Kit Tutorial
Hi, this is Susan posting today to show you some fun techniques that I used when creating this card for the Inspiration Gallery for the current "Time To..." Front Porch Kit. If you haven't seen the kit yet, you can order it online at or call the LBH at... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2011 at Front Porch Kits
Love the pink tools! And your layout is adorable as always.
Elmer's Craft and Tell Challenge...
I am so excited to represent Nikki Sivils Scrapbooker in the Elmer's/X-Acto Craft and Tell Event!!! Elmer's sent Nikki's design team some of their fabulous products to work with and when I saw the PINK items, as you can see below I was HOOKED!!! Check out what I got... Craft Bond Fabric & Pa...
Beautiful floor Ron! Love the rug too - hope there are no spills! How nice to have a totally revamped and organized room.
The Craft room makeover (plus a winner)!
I just loved reading all of your comments last week on your favorite spots for vacation... I was ready to take a year off and visit them all right along with you! RonChops and I will be doing a staycation this year... just hanging out with our families and enjoying the summer. It's already of...
Congratulations on your new venture with Crafters Workshop. Your stencils look awesome. I love your Prima projects and that they are uniquely you. One of my favorites is the Life is too Short piece - is it a canvas? I like the paint layers and colors.
Saying Goodbye to the Prima Design Team
Thank you for your gracious outpouring of kind words and enthusiastic encouragement at yesterday's big news. I am eternally grateful for the wonderful comments you leave on this blog. They make sharing such a joy every single day! Thank you! Thank you! And now on to today's regularly schedu...
Yay! We're so excited to have the blog up and running!
Welcome to our NEW Front Porch Kits Blog!
We're so happy to welcome you to our NEW FPK blog! Become a follower today to ensure that you don't miss out on any valuable crafty information, terrific tutorials, and some good ol' creative fun! Big Hugs from the Front Porch! Let the blogging begin... Lolly & Miss Tracy
Susan Tidwell is now following Front Porch Kits
Jun 6, 2011
Susan Tidwell is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 6, 2011
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