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Crap, I posted too soon! That is exactly what Tom is saying. That a conspiracy of of Naval officers and enlisted men completed paperwork and medical records in order to get Kerry a Purple Heart he did not deserve!
Christ, slander lives on longer than the truth. Try Occam's Razor the next time you're asked to believe a Rove operation
Kicking The Ashes
Oh my goodness - Jeb Bush defended John McCain as a war hero but once upon a time did not similarly defend John Kerry. That prompts Jake Trapper of CNN (who we normally like) to chime in with this: Washington (CNN)After Donald Trump questioned Republican Sen. John McCain's status as a war hero,...
What a strange thing to type:
"Schachte, rather than Kerry, that {sic} commanded the three men in a whaler that led to Kerry's first Purple Heart"
So Schachte got shot in a combat zone and Kerry didn't?
I'm afraid Kerry's wonds suffered here ARE part of military records.
Tom shows just how far "reasonable" conservatives have drifted away from reality by defending the Swift Boat astroturf slanderers.
Kicking The Ashes
Oh my goodness - Jeb Bush defended John McCain as a war hero but once upon a time did not similarly defend John Kerry. That prompts Jake Trapper of CNN (who we normally like) to chime in with this: Washington (CNN)After Donald Trump questioned Republican Sen. John McCain's status as a war hero,...
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Jul 21, 2015
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