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Tim Hicks
Recent Activity
I'm so glad that you found Peanut. It looks like whoever did it knows that you have cats. It's terrible that people do things like that. You would think that living in a gated community, you would be immune from this type of vandalism. It's sad that we have to now conform our lives around the despicable acts of others.
Simply Evil or Just a Childish Prank?
Some loser(s) very immature person(s) cut two square holes in my screened in pool that my cats love to roam around in while I was gone for 4 hours to dinner and a movie on Saturday night. My male cat Peanut was missing when I got home and I never would have noticed the holes in the dark - exc...
I'm glad that she is getting used to everything and everybody. I hope that she is able to make friends with Jasmine. I have to say that she certainly is cute and I'm sure that she'll use that to her advantage :)
Thankful Thursday! Sasha Is Making Fast Friends :)
Sasha will be around 6 weeks old tomorrow and you can see how tiny she is next to 4 year old Jasmine who weighs around 7 and a half pounds! Although we are introducing her to our other pets, my husband or I need to be present given her age and size. One thing in her favor is her speed! He...
Wow, that place looks like paradise! I have never seen glass doors outside. Have fun and enjoy the sun for us :)
Almost Wordless Wednesday - Puerto Rico Photos
I love these Wordless or almost Wordless Wednesdays for several reasons. First of all, I've always believed a picture says a 1000 words and it gives me the opportunity to blog while on vacation. I promise to provide descriptions and more information when I'm home in a few days. Thanks for sto...
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Coco. I know that you loved her very much, but more importantly, she knew it. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
My Angel Coco May 29. 2004 - March 19, 2010
Now that I know how to fix red-eye. I still think about her everyday more than five years later. RIP our sweet angel. We will miss you SO, SO much! You will forever be in our hearts.
Tim Hicks is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 28, 2010
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