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Tim Hicks
Recent Activity
I'm so glad that you found Peanut. It looks like whoever did it knows that you have cats. It's terrible that people do things like that. You would think that living in a gated community, you would be immune from this type of vandalism. It's sad that we have to now conform our lives around the despicable acts of others.
I'm glad that she is getting used to everything and everybody. I hope that she is able to make friends with Jasmine. I have to say that she certainly is cute and I'm sure that she'll use that to her advantage :)
Wow, that place looks like paradise! I have never seen glass doors outside. Have fun and enjoy the sun for us :)
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Coco. I know that you loved her very much, but more importantly, she knew it. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Tim Hicks is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 28, 2010