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Recent Activity
With all the media attention surrounding a possible Biden or even Gore presidential run, how about including them in the democratic presidential primary preference question? If you also poll the second choice of their voters, we could get a feel for how they would impact the rest of the field if they ran. I don't think anyone else has done that so far.
New Hampshire Question Suggestions
We're going to poll New Hampshire this weekend. Our main focus will be the Presidential race, but we're also going to look at the races for Senate and Governor. Who should we test for those offices? And what other topics should we look at in New Hampshire? Thanks as always for the great suggesti...
Are you in favor of Puerto Rico becoming a state?
National Question Suggestions
We're going to do our monthly national poll this weekend- obviously our main focus will be the Presidential race but also open to any other suggestions for topics we should poll on as well, especially fun ones. Thanks as always for your great ideas!
Timothyjbill is now following The Typepad Team
May 5, 2015
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