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Tina Nilson
Recent Activity
Oh-I discovered Lisa Engelbrecht in the U.S. 10 years ago- I´ve tried to get as good as her ever since- and I´m so excited she has made this book- Can´t wait to get my inky fingers on it!! Have actually tried calligraphy 30 years now- but still have so much to learn. Crossing my fingers... Love from Tina in Sweden
Tina Nilson is now following Kitchentablepoetry
Sep 14, 2011
Swedish suggestion is to listen to any audiobook of your choice- to completely leave your own buzy mind and start anew in Fiji!!! As for me, I would love to make the long winter go away from Stockholm with your wonderful gifts...
Toggle Commented Apr 20, 2010 on a week of giving! at still me
Tina Nilson is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 20, 2010