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Hm, that's a good question, Rebecca. What IS up with our love affair with Susan? Unrelated: I was just looking through more pics of Susan to change out the rest of our site for Susan Week... heehee
1 reply
One correction: GGWTV "doesn't produce a blooper reel... YET." This day was SO much fun, I can speak for the whole crew when I say we'd be eager to come back and just do the hanging-out and laughing part any time. And the part with the wine. Did I mention... oh yes I already mentioned laughing. The part with the laughing. Let's do it again. Uh oh, my goal was NOT to put the idea of a blooper roll into your head! Oh well. I'm sure I've got some incriminating crew pictures around here SOMEWHERE to bribe my way off...
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Oct 4, 2011