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Chris Kelly
Recent Activity
Dave--Fun watching the comments. Can Silicon Valley angels agree as a group on anything, even where to have secret meetings? If a super-angel gets a reputation for fileting founders, they'll probably get shut out of the best deals and end up investing on "Shark Tank." It only takes one adventurous angel to open a round to convertible debt or raise a valuation, and if the others think this is the next Facebook, they'll have to join in or miss out.
Fire in The Valley, Fire in My Belly... and Yes, Mike, I Have Stopped Beating My Wife.
So i've been debating whether to write this post all day. Unfortunately i probably have more balls than sense, but it drives me fucking insane to see some bullshit superangel conspiracy theory get whipped into a frenzy by people who weren't there, have no idea what the hell was discussed, and a...
Chris Kelly is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 22, 2010
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