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Wooow It's AMAZING =O
She is very strong !!!
Incredible Video: Girl transforms self into Jared Leto w/ makeup
Me my 3 favorite 30 Seconds To Mars songs is:
1. Fallen
2. Battle Of One
3. Stranger in A Strange Land
What are your Top 3 favorite 30 Seconds to Mars songs? These are mine...
1. Edge of the Earth 2. Attack 3. 93 Million Miles
Matthew Bellamy is really a great musician, a great singer and muse is really an fantastic band <3
This is one of my favorite live solos - Matt Bellamy - Muse
This movie looks amazing !!! I too want to go see but unfortunately it's not yet released in France =(
Inception is ranked #3 on top movies. Will it stay?...
Top 250 movies as voted by our usersFor this top 250, only votes from regular voters are considered. RankRatingTitleVotes1.9.1The Shawshank Redemption (1994)501,7252.9.1The Godfather (1972)399,4923.9.1Inception (2010)46,3334.9.0The Godfather: Part II (1974)237,3105.8.9The Good, the Bad and the ...
XD He had to hurt !!
I haven't found a funnier youtube video than this lol...
This song is really cool !!!
Awesome video of Audioslave covering "Seven Nation Army"
Wow this is really fabulous =O
I long to hear !!!
Final lyrics to upcoming release "Ruthless Butterflies"
These are revised lyrics to a new song called "Ruthless Butterflies" I'm planning to release very soon. What do you think? You say we need more capital I say we need more rain What are you so afraid of? I try to make you change I call your name Ruthless butterflies Take me through the nigh...
Wow it's a beautiful story normal that you want to remember it !!!
And this women has reason very soon you will be a famous musician and you are one already a little ;)
A Memory I'll Never Forget
I remind myself almost everyday of a memory from the first autograph I ever signed for someone. I was 13 years old and a female photographer was taking pictures of me and my brother, Zach, for our Bar Mitzvah (Yes I was raised Jewish). She was taking pictures of me holding my Ibanez guitar and...
This song is very fantastic <3<3<3<3
New Single "Conquer the Night" Released!
The new single "Conquer the Night" was released at midnight last night! Listen to it now here Conquer the Night by Derek Jordan I'm very proud of this song as it incorporates keyboard elements I have never used before. The song is about how there is so much strife and distres...
Wendy added a favorite at Derek Jordan's blog
Jul 11, 2010
Wendy is now following Derek Jordan
Jul 11, 2010
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Jul 11, 2010
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