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Crazy libertarian-leaning enviro
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Christopher, let me suggest the following revisions to items 3, 5, and 10, based on: Cox, M., G. Arnold, and S. Villamayor Tomás. 2010. A review of design principles for community-based natural resource management. Ecology and Society 15(4): 38. [online] URL: 3. ESTABLISH LOCALLY APPROPRIATE RULES FOR USING AND MAINTAINING RESOURCES: Rules for use and maintenance of resources are adapted to local needs and conditions, and provide benefits to users that are correlated to their level of inputs. 5. EFFECTIVELY MONITOR RESOURCES AND USERS: There exists effective monitoring of the system by monitors who are accountable to the users. 10. TIE-IN TO RELATED SYSTEMS: The resource system is appropriately connected to parent/fraternal/subordinate resource groups and to governmental systems.
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TokyoTom is now following Mark Bahner
Jul 29, 2009