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Tom Brackett
Asheville, NC
Cheer-leader and resource for new ministries and redeveloping ministries in the Episcopal Church (and others)
Interests: process consulting,coaching and strategic mischief making.
Recent Activity
Tom Brackett is now following Emily Scott
Feb 16, 2012
Tom Brackett is now following Bishop Marc Andrus
Nov 29, 2011
Really like where you are headed here, Bill. Even Paul struggled with this - he struggled with the idea that God might show up via the profane and the mundane. As a result, he espoused a narrow definition of the sacred from which we are still recovering, today. Thank you for your thoughtfulness!
The Temple Outside the Window
One of the things that has so caught my attention recently as I recall the spirituality of the ancient Celtic followers of Christ is their belief that the experience of God's presence and nature is not limited to the church setting, but can be found in all of life and all of creation. I've alw...
Tom Brackett is now following Wendy Johnson
Apr 22, 2011
Tom Brackett is now following jonny
Jan 24, 2011
Thanks for the link -- what a great blog you manage!! I especially appreciate your visual of the mechanics of the typical phone conversation! Hmmm . . . maybe has somethign to do with the fact that I was reared by a Lutheran pastor with a first career in engineering. Anyway, really well done!!
Life saving stations and tow trucks
The phrase "thinking out of the box" nas been grossly overused for a long time now. What it means is looking for solutions to problems in unusual ways, from different angles, that don't involve doing the same old thing because that's the way we learned to do it. Today I stumbled on a fantastic s...
Tom Brackett is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Tom Brackett is now following Donald Schell
Feb 1, 2010
Tom Brackett is now following Toepferblue
Jan 4, 2010
Tom Brackett has shared their blog Church Planting Central
Jun 15, 2009
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