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Tom Davis
Recent Activity
Pam, how could you compare this guy to neanderthals? If they hadn't gone extinct and were still here they would be sooo insulted!
Christian "Sh*t" Hildebrandt before the three B's: Bald, Belly, and Beard I just finished a grueling six hours in the kindergarten sandbox with the neighborhood bully. You'd think this was a criminal case and I was the defendant; in reality, I was the plaintiff, being deposed today in my three...
"And Boston bomber #1's wife worked 10 hour days "
Pam, this must have been a prophesy! He WAS probably planning on wife #2!
Hope you get a chuckle from this.
Welfare Jihad: Boston Bombers and their family were on living on US taxpayers' dime
Welfare jihad. We see this in every Western nation with large Muslim immigration. Huge Muslim communities come to Western countries and receive massive entitlements. The UK actually pays mulitple benefits for Muhammad's four wives -- I kid you not. They collect welfare and plot jihad. Of course...
OK, since the apple has the Swiss Cross on it, that would seem to indicate that the arrow is were the ad's creators want it. The reverse idea is not ruled out but it is a very long shot. Damn
Swiss Political Party Ad Features Dead Jewish Doll With an Arrow in Its Head
Jews must flee Europe -- they have been here before; I see no indication that it will end any different from the way it did the last time the continent decided to rid itself of it Jews. Swiss Political Party Ad Features Jewish Doll With an Arrow in Its Head The Blaze The Jewish community in...
I wonder about this. It seems to be a play on the William Tell story.
If so, could it's message be that Switzerland is letting Israel down? Israel is held hostage, like William Tell's son, but the modern Tells fail in their aim?
What does the text in the ad say?
Swiss Political Party Ad Features Dead Jewish Doll With an Arrow in Its Head
Jews must flee Europe -- they have been here before; I see no indication that it will end any different from the way it did the last time the continent decided to rid itself of it Jews. Swiss Political Party Ad Features Jewish Doll With an Arrow in Its Head The Blaze The Jewish community in...
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