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Uh HELL YES, however, agreed with Alex.
AVATAR Prequel Coming Soon
The AVATAR script reveals some background about the AVATAR world including sex, drugs and suicide. But lots happens before the movie's events take place and producer Jon Landau says James Cameron wants to write a prequel novel: "Sigourney teaching at the schoolhouse. Jake on Earth, and his bac...
Zoe Saldana was definitely robbed of the nomination. She was freaking amazing.
AVATAR’s Neytiri: Oscar-Worthy Acting or Just CGI?
The debate rages over whether AVATAR's performance capture is true performance for the Oscars and other awards. Cameron's actors had to work hard to make AVATAR's action look real, but it wasn't enough to impress the Screen Actors Guild, which didn't even nominate AVATAR actors this year. Maybe...
@ Na'Vi Luvly93,
oel ngati kameie is pronounced "owell nahtee kah-may-ah"
You can hear James Cameron say it in this video at 2.42
How do you say "I love you" in Na'vi? :D
How do you say "I love you" in Na'vi? :D
Toruk_Macto is now following AVATAR
Jan 20, 2010
Toruk_Macto is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 20, 2010
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