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Kristen Goodman
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Adriana, Your post made me laugh.. and not laugh because I found humour in your pain and suffering, but because I found it so relatable. I cannot imagine that weekend for you, and I have SO been there. Sometimes life throws a whack at us doesn't it? We all get over it, and some day we actually can laugh at it and realize we overcame it. Thanks for sharing, it made me feel like I was not the only one, and misery loves company haha!
Toggle Commented Jun 8, 2010 on A really quick one. at TIBER RIVER
Kristen Goodman is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
This is very sweet of you and I can't wait to see George get his Mundo! Good Luck!
Toggle Commented Jun 30, 2009 on George at One Dollar For George
1 reply
Adriana, Congratulations, and welcome to motherhood of three! She is beautiful and her brother and sister look thrilled! Looking forward to meeting her!
Toggle Commented Jun 8, 2009 on Introducing Victoria Mae..... at TIBER RIVER