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The warmer weather tends to lead to an uptick in people doing various projects around their homes. Whether it’s fixing a roof or changing something in the bathroom, it’s the season to renovate and repair. If you’re looking to tackle some work around the house, the library has plenty of... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2023 at Digital Library Services
Replying on behalf of Soheli: Hi Yannick, Thanks so much for your comment! Single-parent homes are depicted in so many beautiful ways in some of our favourite books for kids. I hope you might check out some of our selections to help you get started: Happy reading! -Soheli
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The agreement between OverDrive and Amazon that allows for borrowing and downloading library ebooks on a Kindle eReader is restricted to the United States. At this time, we are not aware of any plans to extend this agreement into Canada.
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Did you try logging in and placing the hold through the OverDrive website? That would help figure out if it's an issue with your account (eg. your card needs to be renewed or you have reached the maximum of 30 holds) or specific to your Kobo. The next thing I would try is restarting your Kobo and seeing if that fixes the issue. If you still can't place holds, please contact Answerline for further assistance.
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According to OverDrive, the Libby app is compatible with iOS 10+. I don't believe this has changed recently, so I'm not sure why it worked for you previously and then stopped. Sometimes restarting the device can help. If you continue to experience issues, I recommend reaching out to OverDrive Support and Answerline. In the meantime, you can use the OverDrive website or Libby website to read books. The Libby website does not have offline access, though.
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Thanks, I will pass along the feedback that you agree with Cathy's comments. Glad to know you're also using the Libby-specific features!
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Hi Terry, nothing is changing for people using a Kobo to read ebooks. The changes are just for those using the OverDrive app on a phone, tablet or mobile device.
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Thank you for the detailed explanation of your experience with Libby. We will make sure OverDrive is aware of the feedback we receive about the Libby app in order to help them make improvements in the future.
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There are two ways to see you borrowing and reading history in Libby. This help article explains how the Timeline and Borrowed tag work in Libby:
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The only way to transfer files to an mp3 player from a Windows computer is if you have the legacy OverDrive for Windows program already downloaded on your computer. It is not possible through Libby and, as stated above, OverDrive does not plan on adding this feature to Libby. If you need more support, I suggest reaching out to Answerline by phone or email.
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If you have the legacy OverDrive for Windows or OverDrive for Mac desktop programs already downloaded, you can continue to use those with the OverDrive website to download audiobooks and transfer them to your mp3 player. These programs will continue to work after May 1 for anyone who is already using them. As of this time, OverDrive does not plan for Libby to support downloading audiobooks to a desktop computer and transferring them to an MP3 player.
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That's great! I'm glad you were able to copy your list. Unfortunately, I don't see a grid layout option either, but you can sort by newest, oldest, title or author. Thank you for the kind comment. I'm happy to know that I was able to help.
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Hi Liz, I understand your frustration and can offer some solutions so that you can continue being able to use your tablet to read ebooks. If your tablet has a browser (possibly Google Chrome or Samsung Internet), you might be able to use or to read books through those websites. This help article from OverDrive has more information about compatibility with for using OverDrive Read through the OverDrive website: Do you read books offline or are you always connected to the internet when you are reading? Offline reading is currently possible through the OverDrive website, but not the Libby website. There is no difference in the time limit for borrowing books between OverDrive and Libby. Perhaps you had a Best Bet 7 day loan. Let me know if this helps you get back to reading in your comfy chair!
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Hi Christine. My apologies for any confusion. I'll do my best to help so you can import your wish lists. You can use to transfer your wish lists using the Libby website. The Libby website looks the same as the app, so these are the instructions to follow: I double-checked with my account and can confirm that the ability to sync wish lists is available through the Libby website. Please let me know if you are able to sync your wish lists. If you experience any issues, you can also contact Answerline or your local branch.
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Sorry for any confusion! Yes, the OverDrive website will remain active past May 1 - it is only the OverDrive app that will stop working as of May 1. So if you currently use the OverDrive website for offline reading, nothing is changing. I hope that clarifies things for you. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
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Hello MG! Sorry that you are having issues with offline reading. This is a known issue with the Libby app that OverDrive is working to fix. Some people have found that switching your device to airplane mode can help.
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Unfortunately, there is no way to copy your history to Libby, but this Help article explains how you can export your history so you will still have a record of what you have read:
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For now, you will be able to continue to use the OverDrive website to order ebooks and audiobooks, read in browser and manage your holds/loans. The only feature that will no longer be available on this site as of May 1st is the ability to recommend books to the library - this is being replaced by the Notify Me tag in Libby. You can also use if you prefer the Libby app and want the same experience on your computer. One function currently missing from is the ability to save books for offline reading. So if you're reading on your laptop when you don't have a network connection, sticking with the OverDrive website is the way to go!
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For now, you will be able to continue to use the OverDrive website to order ebooks and audiobooks, read in browser and manage your holds/loans. The only feature that will no longer be available on this site as of May 1st is the ability to recommend books to the library - this is being replaced by the Notify Me tag in Libby. You can also use if you prefer the Libby app and want the same experience on your computer.
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That's great to hear!
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Hello GG! Many different devices can be used to read ebooks and audiobooks through OverDrive. You can find a list of compatible devices here: Newer Kobos allow for direct downloads with no additional software required. These are not impacted by the retirement of the OverDrive app. These are ideal for someone who is mostly reading text-based books, not someone listening to audiobooks or reading different formats like graphic novels or manga. Tablets or other mobile devices are more suitable for reading different formats. The Libby app can be downloaded on many different devices. You'll be able to use the link above to see if a device is compatible. You would have to research which tablets have the parental controls you are looking for. TPL does not loan ebooks that are compatible with dedicated Kindle ereaders, unfortunately. I hope this helps you make a decision about which device might be best for you!
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Whoops, I copied the link incorrectly! Please use this link for the feedback form
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Apologies, that was my error in copying the link. This link should work: feedback form
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Sewing machine from Fabrication Studio at North York Central Library I have to give credit to my mother-in-law for inspiring this post. She is often working on multiple projects at once – usually a mix of knitting, painting, jewelry making and quilting – depending on what is interesting to her... Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2023 at Digital Library Services
The decision to retire the app was made by OverDrive and impacts all public libraries they work with. To provide feedback to OverDrive about the Libby app, please use this form:
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