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Bringing Ebooks and Print Closer Together on the Library Website
Are you an ebook reader, a print book reader, or both? For those of us who borrow both physical books and ebooks from the library, going back and forth between the main library website and the OverDrive ebook service can be inconvenient. Why do we have to borrow ebooks through... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2016 at Digital Library Services
Hi Chris,
The new policy was approved by the Library Board in April and implemented at the beginning of July. The information appeared in a news release, and website help content/policy info was updated, but you're right that there hasn't been any real promotion of the changes until now.
Place More Holds! Keep Your Checkouts Longer!
Good news: recent changes to the library’s borrowing policy for physical materials* mean you can now place more holds and keep your checked-out items longer. More holds The maximum number of items you can have on hold at one time has been increased from 60 to 100. Learn more about placing hol...
No, the maximum number of checkouts you can have at one time is still 50.
Place More Holds! Keep Your Checkouts Longer!
Good news: recent changes to the library’s borrowing policy for physical materials* mean you can now place more holds and keep your checked-out items longer. More holds The maximum number of items you can have on hold at one time has been increased from 60 to 100. Learn more about placing hol...
New Email Reminders: Don’t Be Caught Off Guard with an Expired Library Card!
Library cards expire once a year and must be renewed by visiting a branch in person to show identification. We know this can be inconvenient, so we’re introducing a new way to get advance warning when your expiry date is approaching. If you’re signed up for email notification, you will... Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2015 at Digital Library Services
Place More Holds! Keep Your Checkouts Longer!
Good news: recent changes to the library’s borrowing policy for physical materials* mean you can now place more holds and keep your checked-out items longer. More holds The maximum number of items you can have on hold at one time has been increased from 60 to 100. Learn more about... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2015 at Digital Library Services
Thanks for the Portlandia reference - that brightened my morning.
Put a Bird on It! John J. Audubon’s Birds of America at the TD Gallery
Calling all bird nerds! Make sure you stop by the TD Gallery at the Toronto Reference Library to check out our new exhibit, John J. Audubon’s Birds of America. The exhibit showcases striking images of birds from the masterwork of celebrated 19th century naturalist, John James Audubon (1785-...
Hi Anna,
The testing we're doing this week is a usability test where we observe users interacting with the website, so it's not something we can do over the phone.
There will be other opportunities to participate in testing and provide feedback on the new version of the account, including a beta testing phase that you can join from anywhere. To stay informed and receive invitations to future testing, join our Website Advisory Group.
Thanks for your interest in helping us and giving input!
Participants needed for account usability testing next week
As you may know, the library is working on a redesign of the account section of the TPL website. Part of this process involves getting users in front of prototypes of the design to test usability and see if our ideas are working. This will allow us to improve and iterate on the work we are doing...
A Mobile-Friendly Sign-in Page
Starting today, when you sign in to your account on the library website, you may notice that the Sign In page looks a bit different. We have redesigned the page to make it easier to use on mobile devices. One feature not included in this update is the option to... Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2015 at Digital Library Services
Hi Andy,
The library doesn't catalogue all of its books - we find that mass-market paperbacks have a fairly short lifespan, and we can get high-demand titles into customers' hands faster if we don't catalogue them. You may see a record in the catalogue for the same title, but it is probably for the hardcover edition of the book, not the paperback.
Hope this makes sense. Thanks for your comments.
A few words about recent catalogue and account issues
We have been working hard to resolve the recent problems with the library catalogue and access to customer accounts. What’s the problem? Over the past several weeks, the two servers we were using for the catalogue were having trouble meeting demand. We added a third server, but unfortunately it...
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