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Kelli Traber
Recent Activity
Love Indian Run Falls. Last time we were there, we were alone. Eli and Lauren both ruined a pair of shoes, but the togetherness was awesome. So glad you found some time to unplug and relax with the family.
Refinding a Thin Place
This is part of the Slice of Life Challenge hosted by the Two Writing Teachers Yesterday afternoon my family went to Indian Run Falls here in Dublin. It is about 10 minutes from where we live, but we don't seem to head there as often as we should. The woods that house this little nugget o...
I don't think I am ready for her to go to high school either. I cried when she made her introductions at the conference. She is poised and well-spoken, and NO IDEA OF HOW INSANELY BEAUTIFUL SHE IS. I hope you get a baseball bat and put it near the door when the boys come calling. . . .
Just think of all of the amazing memories and experiences the next few years will bring. I can't wait to watch!
Seriously Not Ready
This is part of the Slice of Life Challenge hosted by the Two Writing Teachers My daughter Ellie is about twelve weeks from officially being a high school student. I say 'officially' because she already takes a class at the high school as an 8th grader, so she is kind of there already. ...
Hope you finished those report cards on your MEH day. :)
This is part of the Slice of Life Challenge hosted by the Two Writing Teachers Image by Doug Savage Today is turning out to be just one of those days. I have a mountain of work to do, but I am in world of "meh." Looking to get myself out of this funk, I read some great posts from the...
Dude, those socks right there are one of the many reasons I miss being right down the hall from you. I hope you shaved your legs for that. . . .
I love reading your blog. It bridges the distance a bit. I can hear your voice and (almost) see you standing by my desk in the a. m.
Stories From Room 226: books, Books, BOOKS!
This is part of the Slice of Life Challenge hosted by the Two Writing Teachers Like many schools around the country, mine celebrated Read Across America this week. We try to keep it realtively simple, but also have lots of fun. Our students were encouraged to do some things to help "Cel...
Give yourself a break, Mr. K. I promise you that we will get there, and it will NOT be at the expense of passion, joy, and love of reading. That, my friend, is our promise to one another.
How Value Added Kicked Me in the Ass
In my classroom, we are currently working on narratives and the hardest part of this process for many of my students' is revision. Oh, how I wish I could be like one of my 10-year-olds and step back from a piece of writing and say, "It's great, wouldn't change a word." After umpteen revisions ...
Kelli Traber is now following Tony Keefer
Dec 9, 2010
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Dec 9, 2010
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