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Tracks Trails
Grand Junction, CO
Tracks & Trails plans National Park driving trips!
Recent Activity
Tracks Trails is now following Runners' Lounge
Jun 16, 2010
Hi, folks! So glad you're having a good time. Thanks for the kind words about T&T. Forecast says mid-50s and only a slight chance of rain for your raft trip tomorrow. Dress warmly and have fun! Mind if we mention your blog on our blog?
Dan Wulfman, Tracks & Trails founder
...and then there was the trip up the mountain...
The second knee knocker on our trip came about an hour or so after the ferry ride. It was the 17 mile, 2 lane, twisty, turny ride up Hurricane Ridge. The ranger said it wasn't "too scary", no sharp drop offs. I would say that while there was a couple feet of shoulder on each side there was defini...
Tracks Trails is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 16, 2010
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