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Tracy Kenny
Norwich, England
Stories: Writer, Listener, Teller
Interests: i read, i write, i spend time with my friends and their children. if i had more hours in the day, i would still spend them doing even more of these!
Recent Activity
Hi Sacha, thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your encouragement. I get a lot out of your posts and your infectious enthusiasm, and I appreciate your stories of growing up - I'm about to introduce the 'Do you want an ice cream' trick at home! I didn't realise we could compare current notes on child things! Thanks again :-)
Tracy Kenny is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
We were certainly trained to look for meaning - but we didn't ever dwell on the times when the meaning wasn't there, or wasn't apparent. Coincidence was a distraction on the way to finding the next important connection. I wonder if coincidence serves a purpose as well?