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Trennetta Realestateagent
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Trennetta Realestateagent added a favorite at Trennetta Realestateagent's blog
Dec 3, 2010
The most common thing that buyers do when shopping for a home is biting off more than they can chew by wanting more in a house than they can afford and that is too far out of reach. Ever heard of having Champagne taste on a beer budget? When house hunting with your Realtor buyers don't be afraid to let them guide you in the right direction. It's great to choose a home that fits your lifestyle, don't make that your only goal, this type of behavior drive Realtors away and waste a lot of time and gas. You don't want to get in over your head either and become house broke (spending every dime of your hard earned money into your home) just because you may be able to squeeze and muster up every single cent( by rearranging your expenses in your budget to bare minimum) you have to your name to get that overly priced, dream home you've always wanted ...and got it alright! You can stay within your means in style by house shopping smart, consider foreclosed homes even though they are sold "as is" you can have your Realtor present your offer with a contingency clause, meaning a certain condition must be met such as, a "satisfactory home inspection" from a professional home inspector. In this way the contract will NOT be legally binding if a certain condition is not met, not only does that option allow you to rescind the offer making it void you also get your deposit back! Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2010 at Trennetta Realestateagent's blog
Trennetta Realestateagent is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 3, 2010