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Trent Rock
Goleta, CA
The Convicted Audiophile™
Interests: music, history, art, political science, photography, behavorial economics
Recent Activity
I think most non Keynesian's don't believe in C + I + G and the multiplier effect
And they think cutting govt spending (G) is the only solution for economic growth
And most non Keynesian's seem to have never heard the term fiscal drag....
'Keynesianism Explained'
Paul Krugman: Keynesianism Explained: Attacks on Keynesians in general, and on me in particular, rely heavily on an army of straw men — on knocking down claims about what people like me have predicted or asserted that have nothing to do with what we’ve actually said. But maybe we (or at least I...
American Trent (Hit The Lights 2.013b)
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Posted Oct 22, 2013 at The Convicted Audiophile™
No one linked to!!!
Awesome.... :)
Those that claim that the govt "fudges" the CPI report can never explain why the CPI is pretty much in line with the Billion Prices Project.....
Inflation is *Not* What We Should Be Worried About
Dave Henderson responds to an article called "If There's No Inflation, Why are Prices Up So Much?": ...the main thing he does in the ... article is look selectively at relative prices that have increased a lot... I had started a response to the same article a couple of days ago, and then decid...
In Her Painted On Jeans (Trent Goes Hollywood)
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Posted Feb 1, 2013 at The Convicted Audiophile™
Disco Inferno 2.012
These speakers are a product of the Instant Fire Suppression (IFS) program — the same project that came up with the aforementioned magic wand. In the video above, you'll see two DARPA speakers facing each other. Sound coming from the two speakers increases air velocity around the flame, disrupting it... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2012 at The Convicted Audiophile™
Love the paper topic!!!!
Congratulations to Dr. Nick Snow --- Rum Runners Are Hipsters, Politicians Aren't So Hip
|Peter Boettke| Please congratulate Nick Snow, who successfully defended his PhD thesis --- Rum Runners, Hooligans, and Politicians: Essays on the Political Economy of Intervention --- this morning. Nick will be joining the faculty at Ohio State come August.
Guitar Player Magazine September 1987 "100 Pros' Picks" Poster
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Posted Mar 29, 2012 at The Convicted Audiophile™
Professor Serious Debut Album @
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Posted Mar 21, 2012 at The Convicted Audiophile™
Empire Avenue Gibberish Code
{EAV_BLOG_VER:eecc9e06895e3ed6} Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2011 at The Convicted Audiophile™
Moves Like Trent Rock
Moves Like Trent Rock (I'm S0rry 4 Th1s Mashup) ft. Trent Rockuleira by TrentRock Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2011 at The Convicted Audiophile™
The Grind (I'm Tellin' U What) ft. Mike Snody
The Grind (I'm Tellin' U What) ft. Mike Snody by TrentRock Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2011 at The Convicted Audiophile™
When U Frequent The Spot (That Trent Is Known To R0ck)
When U Frequent The Spot (That Trent Is Kn0wn To R0ck) by TrentRock Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2011 at The Convicted Audiophile™
Into The Heart of Trentness (ft. DJ RyP)
Into The Heart of Trentness (ft. DJ RyP) by TrentRock Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2011 at The Convicted Audiophile™
As an avid knife collector, the current knife fear craze that is sweeping the UK is fascinating. I wonder if Prof Becker's beliefs equally apply to knife control? I would think so....
I don't think banning knives in The UK will have any significant effect on the over all crime rate.
The knife fear craze in The UK is fueled by the media...IMHO
And it will probably happen here in The U.S. too. All it is gonna take is one high profile knife killing(s) and they will start trying to pass knife laws here. :(
(Sorry for the comment drift. I do see a lot of analogies between knife control in The UK and gun control in The U.S., though....)
What Kind of Gun Control? Becker
The serious wounding of U.S. Representative Giffords and killing of 6 others this January in Tucson, Arizona by a young man using a semi-automatic pistol naturally stimulated considerable anguish. As in all other mass shooting rampages there were also immediate calls for greater gun control,...
Great essay. The final paragraph sums it up pretty well. I totally agree.
What Kind of Gun Control? Becker
The serious wounding of U.S. Representative Giffords and killing of 6 others this January in Tucson, Arizona by a young man using a semi-automatic pistol naturally stimulated considerable anguish. As in all other mass shooting rampages there were also immediate calls for greater gun control,...
Why is morality being discussed with economics? ;)
Makes no sense......
"For these reasons, I am increasingly of the view that redistribution of income is the only answer to our inequality problem."
I am increasingly of the view that income redistribution will limit my choices and freedoms.....
Why Does Inequality Matter?
The Economist asks: What's the correct way to think about the rise of the global super-rich? Is there any reason to be concerned about recent changes in the income distribution, in America, across rich countries, or globally? Is there reason to believe that inequality contributes to financial or...
Trent Rock is now following Mark Thoma
Jan 23, 2011
Trent Rock is now following Chris
Jan 22, 2011
Trent Has A Dream (Deeply R00ted version)
Trent Has A Dream (Deeply R00ted version) by TrentRock Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2011 at The Convicted Audiophile™
Trent Rock is now following Maxine Udall (girl economist)
Dec 19, 2010
Stuck Inside A Ghetto Fantasy (ft. Trent Rockuleira)
Stuck Inside A Ghetto Fantasy (ft. Trent Rockuleira) by TrentRock Continue reading
Posted Nov 14, 2010 at The Convicted Audiophile™
Gin and Trent (Goleta Gal Edition)
Experiments with K@ty P3rry, 2P@c, Sn00p and Dr. Dr1zay Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2010 at The Convicted Audiophile™
But U Wanna Be Bad (Trent Does The Shamon)
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Posted Sep 11, 2010 at The Convicted Audiophile™
Colorado Springs, CO Noise Ordinance
Upon a determination by the arresting officer that the sound amplification system will be removed at the scene, the arresting officer's designee shall conduct the removal of the sound amplification system. If the arresting officer determines, in the officer's own discretion, that it is impractical to remove the sound amplification system at the scene of the violation, then the vehicle shall be impounded by the police for the limited purpose of the expedient removal of the sound amplification system. Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2010 at The Convicted Audiophile™
Smack My Trent Up (Step Aside Butch version)
Smack My Trent Up (Step Aside Butch version) by TrentRock Continue reading
Posted Aug 28, 2010 at The Convicted Audiophile™
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