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westcoastra nostra
Recent Activity
Being a 5 star stunna is a process, i'm at level 3
The first star is for my son wayne and i got these 2 for his 2 boys. (gayngsta accent)
Birdman Loses A Star, Gains Two More
For Caption Diss, the good ol' folks at SOHH are at it again and giving y'all, the everyday readers, a chance of a week-time to toss up that last word. The "Best We've Ever Read" headline gets to rep the SOHH Caption Diss crown for seven days, baby.
Soulja Boy Tell em, more then meets the eye!!! I got your chain nicca
Soulja Boy Tell Em Ends Yung Berg's Career: "Is That Your Chain?"
For Caption Diss, the good ol' folks at SOHH are back on the votin' grind to give y'all, the erry day reader a chance of a week-time to serve up the final word. The "Best We've Ever Read" headline gets to hold down the SOHH Caption Diss crown para siete dias! Comprende? Pronto!
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Feb 9, 2010
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Feb 9, 2010
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