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Even, if you had written a small comment behind a bench in the middle of the sea. There are people who actively search, for it seems like they get paid for it. For some reason, they also are concerned about the backers, and yet not many of them go ask a WOW player why he pays a subscription fee yearly. Or why Fortnight, FIFA, and other game players spend so much. Then they speak of game addicts, and all manner of judgemental tells that make no sense. They try to be so passionate and tell stories how they once were backers, and they never were, or they were thinking of backing, which they never did. The same exact comments over and over, so quite frankly, I think they embody the definition of crazy.
You don't like it stop following it. Right at this moment, people are experiencing a much more fleshed-out version of the final dream. I joined when you only had a hangar and a few locations and no planets to land on. If what CIG is doing was regular stuff, it would have already been done. So I don't care when people try to compare the development time to other single small area maps. Until another massive project releases at this scale and ambition, I could care less what they think. I am a former WOW player, and by investing the same subscription of 15 bucks per month in small increments I have had hours and hours of fun. Years and years of memorable experiences, and made tonnes of tonnes of professional like-minded people. I have had times of frustrations, but I clearly remember the WOW Reddit and forums being exactly the same. So this is nothing new to me, and as one backer said to me the day I signed up. "Welcome to the Verse! It will build you up, and it will make you cry, but one thing is for sure those memories will never die."
Why Do So Many Gamers Passionately Want Star Citizen to Fail?
When I wrote about the latest update to Star Citizen, Chris Roberts' highly-ambitious, massively crowdfunded MMO -- with over $250 million pledged so far -- I expected it to be received as some interesting insights into an online world that many people haven't thought about much lately. What I...
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May 29, 2020
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