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Birmingham Al
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I do, I do like it :)
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I do, I do like it :)
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huh intrigued what was the dream. I have had some interesting Stargate dreams myself over the years lol
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I will start it too :) once I get home from work.
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I like this so funny. Thanks for posting. :)
Zachary Quinto Tyler Shields Payback
I am also on twitter if anyone wants to follow me @tehbella.I find it much easier to keep in contact with people there.
Why does it feel like everyone left here for...
Why does it feel like everyone left here for Twitter? :( Stoopid Twitter question: If no one is following you, who will see your Tweets?
Time to call Chris and invite him as well. :)
@WilliamShatner @TheRealNimoy as long as you...
@WilliamShatner @TheRealNimoy as long as you invite spock jr. it's only logical.
I luv this vid of Shanks. He is so funny at cons and Daniel is my favorite on SG-1.
Michael Shanks catfight
I am a very young 37. lol I feel like I am getting younger as I get older.
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Clendenin, Jay L. --130278.CA.1108.convers.JLC - Actor Zachary Quinto, currently playing the evil Sylar on NBC's "Heroes," is beginning filming of a new Star Trek movie, where he will be Spock. Quinto is photographed at his Los Angeles home, Thursday, Nov. 8, 2007.
She is going to be at Dragon con this year. I can't wait to see her. :) Looks like the True Blood panel will be added to my must do list lol
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I felt so bad for Sylar and that is weird because he is a serial killer. I am with You Kann I wanted to smack Parkman upside his head too.
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Then he says "It does kinda tickle" too funny. :)
Aww Thank you guys. I already feel welcome. I am loving all the great pics so far. :) I think I will enjoy it here.
Hello. I am new here just trying to search around...
Hello. I am new here just trying to search around and get a feel for this community. :)
Thank you for the welcome. I look forward to getting to know people here.
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Hello. I am new here just trying to search around...
Hello. I am new here just trying to search around and get a feel for this community. :) Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
Tehbella is now following Zachary Quinto
Mar 28, 2010
Tehbella is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 28, 2010
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