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Great work Mike, your podcast is integral to my morning commute.
Can I simply encourage you not to end the podcast with the demise of the Western Empire, but to continue on with the Eastern Empire - at least to the death of Justinian.
Constantinople is a hugely important and integral part of the Roman Empire, and these citizens were Romans until the fall of the city in 1453.
131- The New Game in Town
With the Tetrarchy in shambles, Diocletian will be called out of retirement in 308 AD to help broker a settlement. But the new new order will prove as bad as the old new order. 131- The New Game in Town Note: For some reason Libsyn is telling me that the link won't go live for another couple of ...
Enjoying the podcast - but will you keep going to the end of the Roman Empire in 1453, or stop with the death of the Western Empire
107- The Year of the Six Emperors
In 238, a revolt in Africa sparked a revolution in Rome that would eventually lead to six different men claiming the title of Augustus. Update: Episode with fewer typos and audio glitches! Thanks for being so on the ball everyone. 107- The Year of the Six Emperors
Tribonian is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 1, 2010
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