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Los Angeles
Eat your vegetables.
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Yes, please!
Toggle Commented Jul 27, 2014 on On the Road with the Vegans at Your Vegan Mom
1 reply
Awesome. Thanks so much for your comment. I totally forgot about this recipe. Now I'm going to make it again too! Congratulations on the pregnancy! I hope it's going well. Being pregnant in the summer is rough man - I hope there's a cool body of water near you!
Toggle Commented Jul 13, 2014 on Pan Bagnat at Your Vegan Mom
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Have I ever mentioned that my kids have dessert every night? Are you scandalized? It's true that I haven't seen Fed Up yet. But before you leave in disgust, let me explain. Dessert is a legitimate meal in our house... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2014 at Your Vegan Mom
I say go for it. It will turn out a tiny bit sweeter than intended, but my guess is not in a bad way. It's not a ton of yogurt that the recipe calls for, so I don't think it will make a huge difference. Plus, does unsweetened non-dairy yogurt even exist on the shelves right now? In this same book, Ms. Schinner has very simple sounding instructions for making your own yogurt that I've been meaning to follow.
1 reply
We're reading the Little House books right now, and it's fascinating to see how my vegan kids make sense of Pa being a trapper. Here's a conversation from the back seat while we went to pick up their pa from... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2014 at Your Vegan Mom
While Paul was working out of town (for 6 weeks! Did we talk about this?), this was the go-to lunch for Felix and me. I would make a big pot of rice at the beginning of the week, and then... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2014 at Your Vegan Mom
Crazy Big Day!
Toggle Commented Mar 24, 2014 on On the Road with the Vegans at Your Vegan Mom
1 reply
Stop and Play We were in San Jose last weekend for the Cinequest Film Festival. It was spectacular to see Paul and Sean and Kiley's movie on the huge screen in a beautiful theater with a crowd of people that... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2014 at Your Vegan Mom
crusty bread + mayo + dijon + smoky tempeh + shredded brussels sprouts = weekend lunch For the brussels sprouts: Cut them in half and then shred them fine with a big, sharp knife. If you have a few shallots,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2014 at Your Vegan Mom
You guys, the broccoli we talked about? It's not ready yet. It cooks a long time.* In the meantime, let's talk about birthdays. In our house, the special day starts with a pancake layer cake. Ideally the number of pancakes... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2014 at Your Vegan Mom
Remember this baby? I was sitting across the lunch table from him today, and I thought maybe you'd let me just pop back in here without a lengthy explanation of where I've been for the last 6 months. What do... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2014 at Your Vegan Mom
Wait! Why haven't I deleted this comment!? No soy sauce (gmo or otherwise) was used in the preparation of this dish!
Toggle Commented Feb 20, 2014 on Felix Monroe Jaconi Biery at Your Vegan Mom
1 reply
Thanks! Me too! All's well - just working on balance and time management and another food-related thing! So, so working on being here too.
Toggle Commented Feb 19, 2014 on Lemonade's Cranberry Relish at Your Vegan Mom
1 reply
That does sound like an awfully long time. Bean cooking times are so variable though, I'm hoping that yours are soft and delicious by now! I know that beans can take quite awhile to cook if your water is particularly hard. Could that be it? But also, 9 days sounds border line for keeping fresh beans around.
Toggle Commented Feb 19, 2014 on Fresh Beans at Your Vegan Mom
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Yes. And then the people will tell you something about digestibility and enzymes and some stuff. I occasionally look into it. Perhaps someone more knowledgable will answer?
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I think it's fine!
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Okay, your bars are still on my mind. I would cut the water and flax down to 3T water and 1T flax, and then you need a nice shortbread-y crust. The crust in the recipe you linked to would work - just sub Earth Balance?
Toggle Commented Nov 27, 2013 on Chocolate Pecan Pie at Your Vegan Mom
1 reply
What a great idea, Anna! You know, I think it would work. The filling is awfully thick so I think it could totally make the move without any real tinkering. Let us know how it goes if you give it a try! Happy Day Before Thanksgiving!
Toggle Commented Nov 27, 2013 on Chocolate Pecan Pie at Your Vegan Mom
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If you're not from these parts, you might not be familiar with "L.A.'s favorite modern cafeteria," Lemonade. It's a local chain of fast casual restaurants from chef Alan Jackson. They serve sandwiches and salads and soups and...(surprise!)...lemonade made of high... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at Your Vegan Mom
Keep reading. I'll get to the part why this snack bowl looks nothing like one of Celine Steene's (always) gorgeous photos. In her adorable, well-crafted, thoughtful, delicious, personal and fun new cookbook, Bake and Destroy: Good Food for Bad Vegans... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2013 at Your Vegan Mom
While I don't think I've tried the exact recipes you like, I have been with you in the past. There are so many clever vegan mac and cheese recipes with pureed vegetables and nuts - love it. For years those were the recipes that I preferred, but I came back to this one. What makes this recipe live on the side of my fridge where I can see it from the stove is that I can make it in the amount of time that the pasta boils even if I haven't been grocery shopping in a week. I choose now to think of it as a nutritional yeast sauce held together with a little flour and oil, rather than a flour and oil based sauce.
Toggle Commented Oct 2, 2013 on Magic Cheese and Seared Kale at Your Vegan Mom
1 reply
Oh yum, maybe I will too.
Toggle Commented Sep 30, 2013 on Caramel Tofu at Your Vegan Mom
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"How's the tofu?" I ask as I sit down across from the 6-year-old. "It's...(throws his head back for emphasis, and then more breathes than says)...aaawe.some (while slowly nodding his head forward)." With that sort of review, I thought I better... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2013 at Your Vegan Mom
Awesome. Thanks so much for sharing, Ellen! Your salad sounds wonderful!
Toggle Commented Sep 23, 2013 on Layered Reuben Party Dip at Your Vegan Mom
1 reply
Pulled at random, the winner of the $50 Whole Foods gift card is #25, Jan Scholl, who wrote: I go out on my deck, snap off a tomato and nom. Can't get better than that! Your tomato comments were luscious.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2013 at Your Vegan Mom