Trisha Trixie’s Favorites

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Enjoying the Show means not worry about life. It means Live and Let Live. It means being free. Free of worries, cares, negative thoughts. It means not stressing out if a guy likes me or doesn't like me. It means not stressing about about anything, really. It means letting things go. It means not asking for returns, go backs, exchanges, or a refund on life. It means just live it, breathe it in, savor it and enjoy it. That simple.Carefree, easy going, C'est La Vie, it is what it is etcetera etcetera...I've got my ticket, my popcorn of life, my... Continue »
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My Shoes – My Story by Julie Gallegos I’m hoping to inspire others with my personal story of heartache, grief and survival, which has transformed me into the woman and successful entrepreneur I am today. You see, I have completely reinvented myself by way of circumstances beyond my control. I’ve... Continue »
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So after hearing about the proposal I did something stupid. I sent him a nasty email, then called him and got in a fight. I yelled and then hung up on him. He said for the "I don't know how many times" that the only reason he keeps in touch with is because I NEED him. To me, them is fighting words. Buddy, I don't NEED you. I have been through plenty in my life before you came around and ya know what??? I managed JUST FINE. Now, I WANT you is more like it. But, obviously if you are... Continue »
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Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree. Continue »
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Lately I feel the weiaght of my despair. I feel so frustrated that I can't see him and scream at him. I made the mistake of calling him today. You know when yo are feeling a bit crazy and you plan on leaving a message because he has not answered the phone all the other times and of course what does the universe do to you...tells him to answer it this time. So of course , I am a balling, soppy mess, I can't breathe, I am heaving sighs and he answers. I muble out how I don't understand and... Continue »
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I was given a suggestion to create a Heartbreak Diary and thus this unused blog I used to have became my Diary of A Heartbreak. I was posting most of this on another blog but since HE reads it I don't want him following this anymore. This is not for him to read. It is for me to vent, honestly and truly and I have been holding back on my other site because of him. This may be rough to some, mean to others. I will not censor myself or how I am feeling. If it offends you, don't... Continue »