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Trish Ackerman
Recent Activity
I love your calendar paintings in Under the Influence. I recently took a class from Gina at Artfest. I would like to start the online Under the Influence class (I bought the calendar for next year) Where do you think I should start? The original one? and does it matter what month I start do you think? I like how it keeps you creating everyday? Does it?
I love your blog. So fun to read.
Georgia on my mind...
September's featured artist in "No More Excuses-Under the Influence" is Georgia O'Keeffe. Here's a look inside my journal for the month. What a wonder she was!!!
I found your blog when I was googling Gina armfield . I love your watercolor journal with the different artists. Was this an online class? I teach art and love this idea featuring different artists!
Love your paintings.
Keeping busy, a list of sorts...
Due to the need for foot surgery to correct a bad bunion (all the joys of advancing age)...I am grounded for a few weeks. Unfortunately I cannot use the stairs to my studio so my Flora Bowley class canvases will just have to be patient. I miss you think they miss me? But there ...
This sounds interesting. Do you have any finished examples?
Spray & Scrape Drawing
Draw with crayons on paper. Draw shiny and bright. If you have oil pastels, they work really well for this project too. Spray liquid watercolor paint over the crayon drawing, and before it can dry. scrape the paint with a spatula to spread and dry it. (You can also use a credit card or ruler to ...
Trish Ackerman is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 1, 2011
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