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Mississauga, ON
Beginner Triathlete with Multiple Sclerosis
Interests: Triathlon, Tech Blogs, All things Apple, Photography, Being a Dad of 2 Boys
Recent Activity
Wow, it's been a while since I've looked at this blog!
I guess since I wasn't doing any triathlon training anymore, I had kind of abandoned this blog (but I did renew it). The last year has been pretty disappointing from an exercise point of view as I haven't been able to do much, and every time I tried to start... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2014 at triwithms
In other words, they are self-centred super egos! ;D
Mental Toughness
I was recently asked how it is that athletes can drag themselves through unrelenting physical and mental suffering in events such as the mountain stages in the Tour de France. This topic came up when French rider Thomas Voeckler was trying to get the polka dot jersey and then retain it on two ba...
Well, I've kept the Breville since there is no doubt that it is WAY faster to make and clean, BUT i haven't used it that much (only a few times). Since the juiice fast I haven't been juicing that much, I might do another juice fast very soon. I hope you got a good sence how long it takes to make the juice from my video so it can help you decide. For leafy greens it's no contest, the Angel blows away the Breville and I certainly would not use the Breville for greens anymore. Cheers.
Juice Fast - Day 9 - Green Juice with Angel Juicer
Day 9 of my juice fast This is a video of me making a green juice with my Angel juicer. The video is a bit long, but I wanted to give people a good sense as to the actual amout of time it take to make a juice with this juicer. Green Juice Recipe: -2 Green Apples -4 Stalks of Celery -10 Pur...
I think I bought too many bananas
Placed our first wholesale order for fruits and veggies. When the order actually showed up it was totally ridiculous. LOL 50lbs of carrots, 11lbs of dates, 40lbs of bananas, 24 bunches of kale, 100 apples, 12 large cucumbers... Wow, time to start eating! I figured carrots, apples, and dates would... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2012 at triwithms
Juice Fast - Day 11 - Really Feel Like Going to Subway!
Today is day 11 of my juice fast, and I am super hungry today for some reason...Probably because I must not have been getting enough calories. I had a small beet and veggie juice this morning and then a 24oz Carrot, celery, cucumber, spinach, ginger and parsley juice from Booster... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2012 at triwithms
Juice Fast - Day 9 - Green Juice with Angel Juicer
Day 9 of my juice fast This is a video of me making a green juice with my Angel juicer. The video is a bit long, but I wanted to give people a good sense as to the actual amout of time it take to make a juice with this... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2012 at triwithms
Brain Cancer Diagnosis
Soon after that previous post last year I got injured training for Around the Bay 30km race. I ran up against the 10% rule and lost, my body fell apart with injuries (sore knees, back and neck). I stopped training soon after and was only going to start up again... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2012 at triwithms
Vegan - Day 2 - Part 2
Here is a quick update video of my second day eating Vegan. I took a look through some of the ingredients I bought yesterday and decided I wanted to do something with black beans. I search my RSS feeds first and up popped a post by Brett (my triathlon coach... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2011 at triwithms
Day 2 - Eating Vegan
So far today I've had the following food. Breakfast: Quinoa cereal with almond milk Quinoa bread toast with organic peanut butter. I hopped on the trainer for a 2 hour base training workout (longest since starting back to working out last week). Post workout; Green smoothie left over from last... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2011 at triwithms
Try Eating Vegan (First Shop, Dinner, Green Smoothie)
I didn't really give much thought to going vegan, I just woke up today and thought I wanted to give it a shot. My triathlon coach Brett from Zen and Art of Triathlon pod, and Rich Roll (Vegan Ultraman) both inspired to give this a try so I can start... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2011 at triwithms
You sure did make those other guys running up the hills look like a bunch of pussies! ;D
Good job getting 6th!
It's all but over
My legs are killing me. 5 Loops with 3 steep sections each loop has my legs feeling like I've been run over. Time for more beer and butter tarts. This past weekend I came 6th out of 40 something guys in the the slow category. After my usual poor start, and a problem clipping in during the fi...
Way to go Rob. That's Awesome! Sounds like you had a good race, and by the looks of your HR profile you were really cranking. My LT on the bike is only 151 so I certainly would have been puking after about 20mins of the type of effort you put it.
Maybe next year I'll start working on pushing the LT up so we can go riding again.
Whooohooo, race 1 in the books!
Jumping the Cheeseburger
Today was a good day. I've been calling it my "First" race, but really I did a fun cyclocross race last December, and I did Paris to Ancaster in the spring. But this was my first actual cyclocross race, with barriers, where I felt like I needed to perform. The last few days I've been fairly n...
New Coach, Triathlon Coming Up & Medical Issues
So I just realized that I haven't updated the blog in a while, and I haven't mentioned anything about something I'm pretty excited about. I've got a triathlon coach now to help me reach my goal of completing an Ironman 70.3 next year. I guess before I did that it... Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2010 at triwithms
Unplanned 1st Barefoot Run
I'm writing this post a few weeks later, so I'll just mention some of the highlights and post a couple of pics. So I had to do my long (14km) run up at the cottage. The hills are insane and I planned on keeping my HR under 143 which meant... Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2010 at triwithms
Vibram Five Fingers Bikila First Look Photos and Impressions
Check out the review on the following website for the Vibram Five Fingers Bikila shoes... via After my unplanned barefoot run (kicked off my shoes 5km into my 16km run due to sore lower legs) I couldn't believe how comfortable it was. I shoved my insoles into my socks... Continue reading
Reblogged Aug 2, 2010 at triwithms
I Finally Got a Tri-Bike (Cervelo P2)...Thanks Enduro Sport in Toronto for Your Support!
Well, I was starting to think the dream of getting a new tri-bike was just never going to happen, until last week when my awesome wife came home, after a weekend of being up at the cottage while I took our older son camping, and exclaimed that she would like... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2010 at triwithms
Hi Joe,
I think your theory about muscle cramping makes pretty good sense.
If you think about who has the worst cramping / muscle spasms, it's people with MS. It's all neurological and doesn't have anything to do with hydration.
I wish it's weren't the case, I'd love to be able to to toss down a few bottles of gatoraide and not have to worry about my legs seizing up in the middle of a lake :D.
Muscle Cramp Theory
In my last post I provided research which refutes the age-old claim that muscle cramping during exercise is caused by electrolyte deficiency and/or dehydration. The most commonly proposed cause of cramping is a low level of sodium which came out of very poor research about 100 years ago. This my...
Thanks Joe.
I just started training a few weeks ago after 7months off.
Seeing as though it is already late-June I've pretty much written off this season for competing in any triathlons, I was wondering If I would benefit from doing mostly aerobic training until early next year or if it is important to go on to strength training as well.
Is the measure of a plateau that for the same HR an athlete is no longer increasing in speed?
Mark Allen’s Training
I’ve always enjoyed history. In my undergrad days I had a double major – physical education and history. I even taught US history at the high school level for nine years in what now seems like another life. That was back in the late 1960s and most of the 1970s (there was a gap in the middle as U...
That dude IS crazy! Holy smokes, that is about as hard core as it gets.
The list of accomplishments on his athletic bio on his website is insane.
I guess all that sleep deprivation training in the forces had a practical application after all.
Kind of make me never want to use the term 'long ride' when referring to my 60km on the bike. ;D
Congrats to Tony O'Keeffe 4th Place 2010 RAAM
Early this morning sometime, Tony O'Keeffe rolled across the line in Annapolis Maryland to finish 4th in RAAM. I'll bet a whole lot of money he's sleeping right now. As I was in his squadron for a year many years ago in RMC, I've been keeping an eye on his progress across the continent. Judgin...
1st [slow] Double Workout of the Year
Today was a great day for working out. It wasn't that I did a huge amount, it was great since I got to take my son out with me and keep my heart rate in the right zone for most of the bike ride. We did a 20km ride in... Continue reading
Posted Jun 17, 2010 at triwithms
Slowdad - Perhaps we can go out for a run and you can show me some of the polar ropes.
I had set up a zone to run in yesterday, although it was pretty tough to keep it under 143 BPM when with someone else.
Even though my friend is just starting out also, it has to frustrating for anyone to go that slow I'm sure. Just like with us on the bike! ;D
My Special Edition Pimped out Polar RS800CX HRM + Workout Summary
Well I've tested out the Garmin 310XT (Last year), and also the Polar RS800CX (Last year) and had come to the conclusion that neither of them really met my expectations. I had been planning to wait until the next iteration of either product to buy since surely my concerns would have been addr...
That is one of the funniest things Lori and I have seen in a while.
In fact, I'm not so convinced that she did not post that. :D
Can I go Riding?
Funny stuff. Bikes, Kids and Wives. This conversation goes on quite regularly in our house. Although perhaps without the swearing and ultimatums. Be warned!
My Special Edition Pimped out Polar RS800CX HRM + Workout Summary
Well I've tested out the Garmin 310XT (Last year), and also the Polar RS800CX (Last year) and had come to the conclusion that neither of them really met my expectations. I had been planning to wait until the next iteration of either product to buy since surely my concerns would... Continue reading
Posted Jun 16, 2010 at triwithms
iPhone Availability in Canada - Late July
For those of you who know me, you will know I'm a bit of an Apple fanatic / fanboy. The iPhone 4 will be available in the US June 24th and in Canada a month later, although I'm guessing it will really be the beginning of August before I get... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2010 at triwithms
Yes - We Had a Baby Boy (Connor) Born on May 4th
Born: May 4, 2010 Weight: 6lb 12oz Where: Oakville, Trafalgar Hospital BIG thanks to the amazing staff who saved our little guy's life. He IS quite the little miracle baby. Baby Connor finally reunited with mom after a few days in special care. My little techno baby! He loves gadgets... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2010 at triwithms
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