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Trixie Goforth
Recent Activity
This is real good, honey! Thanks for this blog. Don't get to it as much as I'd like to. Things are slow on Facebook right now, but when they ramp back up, I'm going to suggest this to people interested in App. It's the BEST!
The Sarvis Tree Is Blooming In Appalachia
Every where I look I see Sarvis Trees with their dainty white blooms open wide. Each Spring, since I was a little girl, Granny makes sure I know the Sarvis Trees spread across the mountains are blooming. Sarvis trees are called Serviceberry Trees by most folks and they grow throughout ...
Honey, it's great of you to do this!
Civil War Letters 5
It's been a while since we checked in with W.C. Penland. If you need to be refreshed on his previous letters-click on Civil War Letters. Greasy Cove Tennessee Washington County March the 2nd 1863 Dear Father I seat myself to write you a few lines that I am still in the land of the living h...
Trixie Goforth is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 25, 2010
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