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Oh man, you're right, I'll change it.
It's supposed to look like a dance-formatted-cliche post, that was my aesthetic this year.
I'm glad you agreed with some of the picks though! :)
The coolest thing about the internet,
Is that you never run out of space on it.
The Most Emotional Things That Came Out in 2009
Hey guys! What's up, well sheeeit man. As people consume content in smaller pieces and the influences from which content-creators draw their inspiration become more varied and well-integrated into finished works, things have settled into different categories than they're usually put into. W...
Look I promise there were no lawyers involved. Of course Liz still has a job.
Crate Update - Apologies to Gagosian
UPDATE: The mysterious crate that appeared in our parking lot Tuesday morning (believe or not) was entirely related to a WFMU activity and not the Gagosian Gallery, Jeff Koons, or any other named parties. The confusion surrounding its presence was in all cases a result of an internal communicati...
Noooo no no no, no threats or anything. Seriously, it's a boring story where stuff was messed up and we owed them an apology, that's all. Not trying to be cagey or anything.
Crate Update - Apologies to Gagosian
UPDATE: The mysterious crate that appeared in our parking lot Tuesday morning (believe or not) was entirely related to a WFMU activity and not the Gagosian Gallery, Jeff Koons, or any other named parties. The confusion surrounding its presence was in all cases a result of an internal communicati...
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