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Troy Damien Burgess
I painted a dot, and it was a dot until i name it, and it became art and i became an artist again, i create because i was created,this is my version of now, these are my stories.
Interests: life, human nature, accurate knowledge, music in barbados, art in barbados, paintings in barbados, murals in barbados, airbrushing in barbados, seeing more of barbados, marketing and sales in barbados, cropover, kadooment day, being a good person in the eyes of my creator
Recent Activity
hi i am new to this, just say ur pic and say i will follow you, how you got this back ground, ur using pro, or this the free one like mines
Boreeeeeed :)
Boreeeeeed :)
Troy Damien Burgess is now following Alexis
Feb 21, 2010
Troy Damien Burgess is now following Rob Jones
Feb 21, 2010
Troy Damien Burgess is now following Erin Vale
Feb 13, 2010
Troy Damien Burgess is now following Dale Baker Drummer
Feb 13, 2010
Troy Damien Burgess is now following Account Deleted
Feb 13, 2010
Troy Damien Burgess is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 13, 2010
Troy Damien Burgess is now following Natasha Newton
Feb 13, 2010
Troy Damien Burgess is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 12, 2010
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