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Just a gal trying to bloom where she's planted.
Interests: travel, dogs, rubber stamping, kids, cooking, rving, reading, scrapbooking, girlfriends and my dear, sweet husband : )
Recent Activity
Thanks so much, Millie! :)
Stalker Moms Are the New Soccer Moms
I'm back! From Monday through Wednesday, Sean and I took a whirlwind trip to Boston/Cambridge, MA. We helped Truman get moved into his dorm room, took a look around campus, heard various Deans and college administrators talk about the First Year, and ate some awesome seafood that is just not ava...
Thanks, Puffy. You know I <3 you. :)
Stalker Moms Are the New Soccer Moms
I'm back! From Monday through Wednesday, Sean and I took a whirlwind trip to Boston/Cambridge, MA. We helped Truman get moved into his dorm room, took a look around campus, heard various Deans and college administrators talk about the First Year, and ate some awesome seafood that is just not ava...
Thanks, Kathy. For a day I'd been dreading for the past 18 or so years, it wasn't so bad. ;)
Stalker Moms Are the New Soccer Moms
I'm back! From Monday through Wednesday, Sean and I took a whirlwind trip to Boston/Cambridge, MA. We helped Truman get moved into his dorm room, took a look around campus, heard various Deans and college administrators talk about the First Year, and ate some awesome seafood that is just not ava...
Thank you, Wanda! :)
Sympathetic Pineapples
As a longtime lover and semi-collector of all things pineapple, the current pineapple trend makes me slap-happy. I received an order from Lil Inker Designs last week; I know I said I'd ink up all of my LID stamp sets that I had before placing another order, but I couldn't resist the new Pineap...
Thank you, Julee -- I give mucho credit to the awesome sketch.
Sympathetic Pineapples
As a longtime lover and semi-collector of all things pineapple, the current pineapple trend makes me slap-happy. I received an order from Lil Inker Designs last week; I know I said I'd ink up all of my LID stamp sets that I had before placing another order, but I couldn't resist the new Pineap...
Thank you, thank you, lovely Broni!
Sympathetic Pineapples
As a longtime lover and semi-collector of all things pineapple, the current pineapple trend makes me slap-happy. I received an order from Lil Inker Designs last week; I know I said I'd ink up all of my LID stamp sets that I had before placing another order, but I couldn't resist the new Pineap...
Thank you so much, Miss Joan - you picked some awesome colors. :)
Sympathetic Pineapples
As a longtime lover and semi-collector of all things pineapple, the current pineapple trend makes me slap-happy. I received an order from Lil Inker Designs last week; I know I said I'd ink up all of my LID stamp sets that I had before placing another order, but I couldn't resist the new Pineap...
Thank you, Autumn! Can't wait until the seasons catch up with your name!
Sympathetic Pineapples
As a longtime lover and semi-collector of all things pineapple, the current pineapple trend makes me slap-happy. I received an order from Lil Inker Designs last week; I know I said I'd ink up all of my LID stamp sets that I had before placing another order, but I couldn't resist the new Pineap...
Thank you, Danielle -- I love a good color block when I can make it work with the images I want to use. :)
Three Little Pumpkins
Happy Labor Day weekend, for those of you visiting from the U.S.! I love this weekend for a variety of reasons: 1) it means summer is just about over (and hopefully the heat and humidity that go with it) and fall is around the corner; 2) it's September, which is my birthday month (a.k.a. my fav...
Isn't that such a cute little verse? I'm not sure if I ever heard it before, and I love that retro look of the paper - so sweet and vintage-y!
Three Little Pumpkins
Happy Labor Day weekend, for those of you visiting from the U.S.! I love this weekend for a variety of reasons: 1) it means summer is just about over (and hopefully the heat and humidity that go with it) and fall is around the corner; 2) it's September, which is my birthday month (a.k.a. my fav...
Thanks, Kendra! (Mwah!)
Three Little Pumpkins
Happy Labor Day weekend, for those of you visiting from the U.S.! I love this weekend for a variety of reasons: 1) it means summer is just about over (and hopefully the heat and humidity that go with it) and fall is around the corner; 2) it's September, which is my birthday month (a.k.a. my fav...
Thanks, Wanda! Aren't those sentiments a hoot? That Laura Pryor is one clever chicky!
Clowning Around with Charlie Brown
Hey, friends. This is going to be a quickie, even though I'd like for it to be longer because I have a lot of backstory and extra photos I'd like to share with you. However, it's 9-something p.m. as I write this on Sunday night, and I have to get up at 4 a.m. tomorrow to make a 7 a.m. flight ou...
Thank you, Lisa!
Clowning Around with Charlie Brown
Hey, friends. This is going to be a quickie, even though I'd like for it to be longer because I have a lot of backstory and extra photos I'd like to share with you. However, it's 9-something p.m. as I write this on Sunday night, and I have to get up at 4 a.m. tomorrow to make a 7 a.m. flight ou...
Thanks, Joan! :) So far, not so bad, having half the kids in the house. Of course, that may be because I'm going to see Truman on Tuesday... ;)
Awesome x 3
So, this is the third time in one week that I've used a sentiment that features some variation of the word "awesome." Pretty sure that's a record of some sort. I don't think I could do that again if I tried... It's the 22nd of the month, which means it's Your Next Stamp's Feature Day! Every mon...
Thanks, Debbie! They are pretty great guys, I have to admit... :)
From Awesome to Paw-some
I have survived this week! That definitely calls for a Whew! First up was a day I've been dreading for almost 19 years: my oldest has flown the coop and left for college. I've had lots of teary moments, but ultimately, I'm grateful for the opportunities he has before him, for this exciting tim...
You should, Linda -- FAME & FORTUNE could be yours! How can you resist? :)
From Awesome to Paw-some
I have survived this week! That definitely calls for a Whew! First up was a day I've been dreading for almost 19 years: my oldest has flown the coop and left for college. I've had lots of teary moments, but ultimately, I'm grateful for the opportunities he has before him, for this exciting tim...
Thanks, Julee -- it all starts with a seriously cool sketch. :)
You're Seriously Awesome
Hello, hello! I'm here, and I'M NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT the fact that my firstborn is leaving for college tomorrow. I'm telling myself that I am absolutely fine with this fact. It's a good thing! Especially considering the alternatives. It's the circle of life, right? Right. So let's move ...
Thanks so much for the sweet well-wishes, Maria. :)
You're Seriously Awesome
Hello, hello! I'm here, and I'M NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT the fact that my firstborn is leaving for college tomorrow. I'm telling myself that I am absolutely fine with this fact. It's a good thing! Especially considering the alternatives. It's the circle of life, right? Right. So let's move ...
Hello, Joan! How are you, friend? Like your grand daughter, Truman is ill-prepared to face much harsher winters than he's ever known. I keep telling him that it's character-building, but I'm not sure if he's buying it... ;)
You're Seriously Awesome
Hello, hello! I'm here, and I'M NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT the fact that my firstborn is leaving for college tomorrow. I'm telling myself that I am absolutely fine with this fact. It's a good thing! Especially considering the alternatives. It's the circle of life, right? Right. So let's move ...
Hi, Tammy! Good luck to you with your baby leaving. Maybe we need to set up a Mommy Pity Party... RSVP! ;)
You're Seriously Awesome
Hello, hello! I'm here, and I'M NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT the fact that my firstborn is leaving for college tomorrow. I'm telling myself that I am absolutely fine with this fact. It's a good thing! Especially considering the alternatives. It's the circle of life, right? Right. So let's move ...
Thank you, Linda - it's getting easier every day.
You're Seriously Awesome
Hello, hello! I'm here, and I'M NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT the fact that my firstborn is leaving for college tomorrow. I'm telling myself that I am absolutely fine with this fact. It's a good thing! Especially considering the alternatives. It's the circle of life, right? Right. So let's move ...
Thank you, Marisa! I'll take all the hugs I can get. :)
You're Seriously Awesome
Hello, hello! I'm here, and I'M NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT the fact that my firstborn is leaving for college tomorrow. I'm telling myself that I am absolutely fine with this fact. It's a good thing! Especially considering the alternatives. It's the circle of life, right? Right. So let's move ...
Where are you, Lexi! Emerald Coast of FL, or somewhere more exotic? Hey -- we bought a trip to NOLA at an auction for next October. I think we should meet IRL!
sneak peekin'
hello stamping friends! nichole posted a little peek of my new stamp set (and more!) this month, so i wanted to pop it up here as well. so much fun stuff - i can't wait to share it all! i'll be back for the countdown in a couple days, although maybe a little slow at first since i'm posting fro...
Oh, Joan -- you NEED Jody Boosters! They are my longtime favorite form of Dimensionals. Here's a link:
YNS March Release Sneak Peek
Good news for fans of Your Next Stamp: tomorrow is the day for the March New Release! And today? Well, today I have a preview of two new stamp sets hitting the shelves (or whatever sort of display unit Karen keeps 'em on). I'm on the record of being a big fan of what I refer to as "food with ...
Lexi, there are many times a year that I read your posts and wish I was you, but never more than at Mardi Gras! One of these years, I'm going to have to come down to NOLA during Mardi Gras so that you can show me how it's done! :)
'til next year...
another mardi gras has come and gone in a whirlwind of glitter and beads and tons of fun! i upped the number of glittered shoes for my muses ride this year to thirty. i was so busy with orders and other work that i almost didn't have any - but i pulled these out in just three days/late nights....
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