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The yoga lady
See you on the mat!
Yoga teacher, student and lover of life!
Interests: yoga, travel, reading, studying, sharing yoga and co-creating
Recent Activity
Patanjali says If you are not in ease, you are not in Yoga.
Thanks for your comments BTW
my bog is moving to,
see you, on the mat.
We all have within us tremendous wisdom and...
We all have within us tremendous wisdom and knowledge, often referred to as the intuitive mind. However we often find it hard to connect with this wisdom as the mind is to busy with its internal dialogue - often an endless dialogue about life, problems, feelings etc..... This mental commentary ...
We all have within us tremendous wisdom and...
We all have within us tremendous wisdom and knowledge, often referred to as the intuitive mind. However we often find it hard to connect with this wisdom as the mind is to busy with its internal dialogue - often an endless dialogue about life, problems, feelings etc..... This mental commentary... Continue reading
Posted Oct 19, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
Do you find you tend to measure the success of your practice based on your physical achievements in your practice?
Remember Yoga is about undoing, letting go so begin here, as you let go of anything that is not going to serve you during your practice. Continue reading
Posted Oct 19, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
The Q-angle
The Knee is a hinge joint only moving in one plane and represents our ability to progress thru our likes and dislikes as we move thru the world as well as our feelings toward progress. Our knees allow us to dance, to move, to run and to stand straight. Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
The ankles allow flexible movement, but are also weight bearing so problems could stem from carrying around to much emotional or physical weight and lack the flexibility for the direction you are moving.
The ankles can become chronically tense and interrupt the flow of life thru them and as we lose flexibility and grace they become more susceptible to injury. It is important that we keep them strong. Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
As you become rooted, self supported, you will find the confidence to handle anything life throws your way.
I read how the Redwood trees, know for there strength and longevity, actually have very shallow root systems, yet because they share their root systems with each other they each help support the whole system. As women we to need to strengthen our root system as we ask for and encourage each other. Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
Remember that mindfulness, awareness is not about what happens in your physical body, whether you reach an ideal form or shape of an asana, but rather what is happening in your mind.
Becoming aware of this internal dialogue is the frist step in changing the old patterns of thought as we bring it from the unconscious to the conscious mind. Remember the mind does not know if it is real or not, conscious or unconscious. All it hears is the thought Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
Are you an empathizer or a sympathiser?
In our yoga practice we are asked to practice detachement, and for me detachment from an ideal form has been very freeing and allowed me to really cultivate compassion for myself as I accept my body where it is today. Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
I was running around like a kid at an easter egg hunt scooping up these babies and fighting of Sam.
As this is a yoga blog I shall add that as a yoga educator I find my role with my students is to give them room to explore, to fly and to fall, their abilities and limits under my watchful eye, but with the freedom to learn from their practice. As a yoga practitioner I find that I enjoy the freedom in my practice to explore new ways of being in my body, trying new asanas with an open mind and permission to be ok if i cannot attain the form, knowing that what is important is the action of the asana and the practice.
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Posted Aug 15, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
Sometimes there is a fine line between reality and delusion!
Love requires no action, only being and it starts within my self. One of the greatest legacies I can leave is the gift of forgiveness of self and the ability to learn from my mistakes in a loving way. As I am able to do that with myself it empowers me to also see the same in those around me. What a gift. Continue reading
Posted Aug 7, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
Gratefulness can totally shift your perspective.
Areas that need our attention often go overlooked and yet they have a tendency to drain our energy with out us even knowing it. Restoring that balance is not only healing but empowering. I had a friend say to me "do you realize how graceful you have moved thru this injury?" For me the only other option was suffering and trust me, the break and sprain hurt enough without me adding any self inflicted pain. Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
As physical and social beings one of our greatest needs is that of healthy relationships, (Second Chakra) with others as well as with self.
Emotions are connected with movement, and when we block the free flow of movement we essentially block the emotions. Yet we seem to be conditioned to resist moving to avoid pain when in actuality it is the lack of movement, that increases the dis ease. All of our physical sensations... Continue reading
Reblogged Jul 13, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
As physical and social beings one of our greatest needs is that of healthy relationships, (Second Chakra) with others as well as with self.
I know for me at times during this healing process I found it easy in my immobility to become very isolated and at times found I needed to make an exerted effort to get out there, be with others. Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
Symptoms and imbalances are the language of the body, and it is important that we listen to the message.
But how many of us created more disease and discomfort in our bodies by ignoring the very message that could relieve the pain and discomfort. Continue reading
Posted Jun 30, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
The lessons
When you give yourself time to be still, and open your heart and really listen to your body, it is amazing what you learn. Continue reading
Posted Jun 30, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
Yogamentals, getting back to the basics.
I am also taken aback by how much I was judging my ability as a yoga teacher and practitioner based on what I could do. This needs exploring, this needs my attention. Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
The body wants to move!
Easy to say harder to put into practice, especially when there is pain. I had my first PT appointment and the difference in my pain and ROM was amazing after an hour of movement. It was so scary as I had just been given the ok to wean myself off... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
Thank you for reaching out! I am now out of the boot and trying to walk normal! It has been a long process but not as long as was expected! thanks for the shout and stay in touch!
"The body does not lie."
Spring is a time for renewal, and all this lovely rain has had a cleansing effect on me at a very deep personal level. Into my third week of no weight bearing on this broke ankle I have alot of time to think, manifest and be open to possibilities. As I hobbled over to the sliding glass doors t...
What you see is what you get.
What you see is what you get has a whole new meaning to me today. I used to see it as a childish reference of take it or leave it, but now understand the richer deeper meaning. One of my favorite quotes is "We don't see things as they are,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
What I love about the idea of mastery is there is no goal, it is a process that has no end. Continue reading
Posted May 28, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
The first Chakra is our need, and desire to survive, Our right to be here!.
Be mindful of your foundation, notice any feeling that come up as you begin to bring awareness to your support system with in your physical body. How is it reflective of the support you give yourself, thru your job, activities and people you surround yourself with. Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
It is the thoughts, the perceptions that cloud and block our true authentic self.
Yoga is universal and when you hear people say they are living their yoga, they in essence are striving to live a life of wholeness, not separated but truly connected to something outside of themselves. A higher power or energy. Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
What is so beautiful about this peace, the calm that I feel within this perfect setting is it always there, always available.
Life is already crazy enough, with out all of the distractions and chaos. Don't bring that into your practice. Quiet the thoughts and practice contentment here where it is safe and easier. Practice finding the contentment with an attitude of gratitude. Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
The origin of the word hamstring come from the word hamstrung which means to have been held back.
So today as you move toward the mat, bring your awareness to your feet. Shift the weight back into your heals as you root down grounding into the earth. As you stand in Tadasana, feel the breath move thru you, the inhale moves the energy from the earth up and the exhale release down into the earth. Feel the duality of the extension as you ground down, the head rises up into the clouds and the feet down into the earth. Continue reading
Posted May 21, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
Sometimes it is easier to make adjustments in our physical practice and observe the effects it has in our daily life.
To prop is essentially to push away, ignoring the wisdom in the body. To collapse is just the opposite, both leading to a failure to receive the full benefit of the practice. Thru the action of yielding their is a sense of ease, as you surrender to what is. Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2010 at True confessions of a yoga teacher
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