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Todd Stuart
Recent Activity
ProductivityNOW Portal User Management Guide
Thank you for your interest in our ProductivityNOW portal! First, an important point to make is that the Autodesk Subscription/Maintenance Contract Manager (ACM) is by default the ProductivityNOW Portal Admin. The ACM is able to manage users for their company that has previously logged into the portal, ACM cannot add... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2016 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
Clarity Upgrade - recommended process
In general, the Clarity installer is going to see installing version to version as a “major” upgrade – so expect that it will do effectively an “uninstall” before it starts the install. Our recommendation to make it easier on the installer (less potential for uninstall issues): Stop the Clarity Monitoring... Continue reading
Posted May 9, 2016 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
NEW - IMAGINiT Installation Toolkit posted for 2014 and prior versions!
If you have not seen or read through our IMAGINiT Installation Toolkit, NOW is the time before you tackle your new 2014 software installation. We have updated our V1 from 2012 to show the 2014 version of software and new links to simplify the information and process. I also have... Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2013 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
Todd Stuart is now following IMAGINiT Technologies
Nov 29, 2011
Microsoft .NET 4.0 pre-requisite for Autodesk 2012 product installations
Microsoft .NET 4.0 pre-requisite for Autodesk 2012 product installations posted from Autodesk. Problem Many of the Autodesk 2012 products require the installation of Microsoft .NET 4.0. In many cases .NET 4.0 will automatically be installed by the Autodesk 2012 installer however there are system-specific conditions where .NET cannot be... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2011 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
Normally on a jumpy mouse/graphics we change these settings if the card and driver are not certified by the link we provided. Also it has been caused by the mouse driver. We have tested that by uninstalling current driver and installing a generic Microsoft driver.
Why is my cursor very slow or jumpy in AutoCAD?
In AutoCAD whenever moving the mouse over objects the cursor slows down or seems jumpy like a mystery snap setting is on. Of course snap is turned off. It's always a good idea to make sure you're using a graphics card driver that has been tested and recommended by Autodesk for the AutoCAD or Au...
Welcome to the new home of our Support Blog!
Thank you for all the loyal followers even through our merger and transitions. I promise in the near future you will see the regular posting like you are accustom to reading. Even more if marketing has their say and we have more techs! PS - We are leaving the old... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2011 at IMAGINiT Technologies Support Blog
Todd Stuart is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 25, 2011
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